𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 14 │︎♚︎

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Stupid fucking rouges.

It took around an hour to revolt against them, despite how strong I, and my warriors, are, their numbers continued to intensify the more we killed. It's starting to become an urgent problem.

I'm on my way back to the castle to rush and get dressed, can't show up wearing ripped and bloodied clothes, now can I?

"Well hurry the fuck up! We're already late!"

I enter my castle, the two men guarding the door were laughing; exchanging jokes. That's not what I pay them for.

"I can't believe it, a six foot tall rabbit." One laughed. Not only were they slacking, they were talking about some fucking rabbit?!

"What the fuck are you two talking about?" I boomed , my voice causing them to tremble and lower their heads.

"There was a girl who got past the front door whilst we were on a break. She's down in the cells if you want to question her, My king." One spoke up, his voice shaking with every word.

"I have no time to do your job." I walked passed him as he nodded, just as they both thought I left they returned to their conversation.

"Seriously, what 6 foot bunny lives in the castle?" One snickered and that's when it hit me.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I stormed my way towards them. Their eyes widened and they again lowered their heads.

"The girl who-"

"Was this girl a threat?" I asked, rather calmly.

"She got passed security, king."

"And how did she do that?" I cocked my head to the side, knowing it was their fault.

"We were on our break and she got in."

"I swear to fucking god if this is the person I think it is, you're both dead." I spat, turning my direction to the cells. Leaving them to whimper and breathe heavily.

There's no way they put my little rose in there.

I darted to the cells, the guards unlocked the doors upon my arrival and immediately I was hit with the stench of sweat and blood. The cells contained the evilest of evils, the dirtiest living conditions; not a place for my innocent little rose to be.

I stormed through the silent halls, scanning each cell before marching faster. I reach the ends of the hall, the torch of fire illuminating the hair of a figure whose head was buried between her knees.

I heard a small sob emit from her and that's when I knew it was my little rose, my face hardened before it softened. Thinking about how I can torture those stupid mutts for what they did but I knew I had to get my mate out of there.

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