Chapter 39

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*you may call it girls night, but I call it therapy*

*Leah's Pov*

It is 2 days before the party we were hosting, and me Natasha, Maria were going dress shopping.

"I still don't know why I am here." Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I dragged Steve along with us.

"Oh it will be fun!" I patted Steve's arm as we were walking down the street it our disguises.

"Seriously?" He asked slightly irritated with me but he was only joking.
"Oh fine, give me 10 minutes."

"Where you heading," picking up another friend. I winked while walking away to call...Sam Wilson. He would keep Steve company on our day out, and it would be funny to see him annoyed with me as well.

"Hey Sam, want to go out with me Steve, Natasha and Maria?"
"Sure, why not. I don't trust you though, feel like me and Steve will just be 'extras' on a girls day out or something, yeah?" Sam asked laughing.
"Oh, well you won't find that out until you get here," I could practically hear his eye roll.
"You owe me!"
"I'll think about it!" I joked back.
"On my way."

We ended the call in laughs and I walked back iver to Steve and the two girls.

"So, who was that?" Maria asked.
"A familiar face." Maria caught onto who I was talking about, and Natasha just looked at me confused. I whispers who was coming and she just smirked.
"Oh come on, not even me?" Steve sighed jokey.
"He will be here before you know it."

* * *

A few minutes later, A car pulled up and Sam came out the car.
"I was summoned?" He joked, and I greeted him with a hug becsuse we hadn't seen eachother in a while.
"Surprise!" I turned to Steve who was shaking his head laughing.
"Good to see you, Sam," Steve greeted him into a hug too.

* * *

We were walking to a clothes store that was full of party dresses. I seen Steve's and Sam's faces just drop.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Sam laughed.
"I'll by you both lunch," I reasoned.
"You best had," Steve laughed too.

"Wait, we are not gonna be able to pay for this," Natasha turned to me as we walked in.
"We aren't."
Everyone looked at me confused.
"Tony is....he just doesn't know that."
Everyone laughed and nodded impressed.

"I don't normally wear dresses, so yall gonna have to help me out," I warned them.
"Hey what about this one?" Sam shown me a bright pink sequin dress and I could tell he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

"Yes! It would suit you perfectly Sam!" I retrieved a laugh from the group and he glared at me smirking.
"Oh and a machine blue one for Steve," Natasha suggested holding her laugh.
"Its sorted!" I laughed.

The two boys glared at us jokey and shook their heads. I walked over to a dress that was black and it was really plain and casual. I didn't want to over do the outfit, and the dress looked perfect.

"You should get it," a voice said next to me. It was Steve.
"I don't know, i don't eat to buy it and look...weird," I answered him, still looking at the dress in admiration.
"Well the two girls are trying on their dresses, you should try this one. You would look great. I promise," Steve smiled down at me. He was always so supportive. I'm lucky to be his best friend.
"Okay, I will."

* * *

I walked over to the two dressed up women who worked here, and asked them if I could try it on.

"Here, this is your changing room. If you need me I will be right over there,"

I closed the curtain and I heard the woman speaking to the other.
"C'est Leah Harper!" [That's Leah Harper] I heard her tell her friend. Hmm, they spoke French. What a lovely language.

"Ah bon?" [Really?] The second woman said shocked.
"Oui, je n'aime pas cette chienne!" [Yes, I don't like that bitch!] The woman replied. Well that's nice. I think they were speaking French because I don't think they know I can understand them. Oh well, more gossip for me.

"Elle est jolie." [She is pretty] the nicer woman defended. I like that one.
"Leah needs mérite pas d'achete center robe," [Leah does not deserve to buy that dress]

I didn't hear what they said after because they seemed to of went somewhere else.

{A/n: I don't speak French, so please don't come for me. I used Google translator, so I know it may not be accurate.}

* * *

I took the dress off, and walked out the changing room with it on a hanger.

"Hey, we didn't get to see you wear it," Natasha commented.
"Um..surprise?" I questioned myself.
"Fiiine," she laughed.

I walked up to the till were the blonde woman who was talking crap about me was standing.

"Bonjour, cette chienne aimerait bien acheter cette robe qu'elle ne mèrite pas," [Hello, this bitch would like to to but this dress she doesn't deserve] I said smiling at her and placing the dress on the counter.

The till woman looked at me scared.
"You, you speak, um, French?" She stuttered nervously.
"I speak multiple languages," I said, still smiling.
"Okay, I just need to take this to the back to put in a dress bag. I apologise."

She came back a few minutes later with a smug look on her face. I ignored it because I was already tired of her.

* * *

We all went out for lunch and just talked a lot about what we have all been up to. I told them about the changing room situation as well.

"Ugh, if you told me I would of snapped her neck off," Natasha said angrily.
"And I would of sliced her with my Falcon wings," Sam said, angry too.
"I was going to kill her myself but I wanted the dress," I laughed at their over protective ways.

* * *

"Sam, I expect you at the party, okay?" I asked him.
"Wouldn't miss a free drink," he laughed.
"It was good seeing you again," I smiled.
"And you."

I let him and Steve talk for a bit before we all said goodbye and headed back to the HQ.

Word Count: 1039
Kiwi ~🥝

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