Chapter 6

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Alonzo POV

"Lorenzo check the footage of the vans, locate me their whereabouts. Non rovinare questo. ( Don't mess this up)." I ordered him. We were currently in the warehouse with the footage in front of us on the small screen replaying the video several times however we still have made no progress whatsoever.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit."  He muttered to himself and I raised my eyebrows, he thought he was talking to himself but what a fool because I heard him loud and clear.

"What was that? Want to fucking repeat yourself?" I taunted on crossing my arms in front of me and waiting for his snarky comments.

Lorenzo looked at me, rolled his eyes, and went back to work.

As he should.

"Boss I think we found something, look at this." He said and I walked towards the security camera footage, as he rewinded the video and clicked on the keys to make it slow motion.

"See, they were wearing balaclavas but when you zoom in at the bottom of their masks is a sign which obviously shows they are working for another mafia." He explained while he zoomed in and I saw it.

The skull-printed image rested on their chin of the balaclavas, the hand that was driving the van was wearing a black chain shaped in a C.

That's when I knew it was the fucking Russians. They always tried messing up my shit and now they took the advantage to mess with me.

All of a sudden the vans stopped and a tall male figure approached the outside and opened the van door without a mask and started conversating with the other associate when I zoomed in, even more, I recognised the face features. His shrivelled brown hair and green, emerald eyes and the faint stubble with a neck tattoo drawn across him.

It was my ex bestfriend.


Pausing the video I suddenly punched the nearest wall, my eyes darkened full of anger. I should have fucking known he was part of them.

But what would I know? I took him in treated him like family, he was like a brother to me and my partner in crime.

That was until he was offered a position in another organization which apparently better than mine because they would pay him double of what I was giving. Next day he left me a note with a shitty apology and I ripped it up in shreds just like what he did to my heart when he left me.

"Hai solo te stesso alla fine della giornata." I reminded myself because it was a hard truth. You only have you at the end of the day.

"Let me know what else you find so I can personally put a bullet through his skull," I said and left the room needing fresh air and a cigarette.

Taking out the lighter I flicked on the switch and put the cigarette between my lips and allowed it to settle before inhaling a big cloud of puff and exhaled my frustrations. I leaned my head back slightly with my eyes tightly closed allowing myself to relax.

Then my phone rang disturbing my peace.

"What do you want?" I snapped not wanting to talk to anyone at this time.

"Oh well hello to you too brother." And when I heard his voice I froze.

"Why the fuck are you calling me right now especially when I'm in a shitty mood?"

"Tsk Tsk, with that attitude I may not even tell you." I could hear the smirk through the screen and I wanted to punch that smirk off his face.

I closed my eyes and spoke calmly, "Please enlighten me with your bullshit."

I hear a few chuckles before him explaining, "I am not going to beat around the bush. I am hosting a mafia ball and I would love you to come, if you have a plus one that would also be nice."

"The hell I'm attending, if anything I would rather gouge my eyes out than attends such thing, I know that despicable man you call father is going to be there and if anything I would like to be meters away from him or I'll lose my shit."

"That's the thing you have to come because if you don't it will look bad on you,  plus it's for charity and you want to be known as a noble man, si? What will they say? Alonzo declines invitation to a charity ball for better duties?"

Sadly he wasn't wrong. I had a reputation to keep and if I wanted to keep that title of mine well I had to make choices that would impact the organization.

"See exactly my point. Oh and there's a twist. It's a masquerade party so bring a mask because well, we want to spice things up." And before I could even utter a word he had hung up.

I clenched my fists, "FUCK!" I shouted on top of my lungs, people walking past me looking quite worried, some with children covering their ears.

My half-brother after many years decided to contact me today? What was his motive? Was this a trap?

So many questions swarmed in my head. We had the same father but of course that cheating fucker went and got his whore pregnant at the time and eventually had a boy. My father adored him more than me of course. I couldn't care less though.

They decided to name him, Antonio-Vincent Giovanni.

Or known as, Vincent.


Hey, y'all sorry for the slow updates I'm just so busy with revising, and plus I love reading on Wattpad that I forget I'm a writer sometimes oops.

I'll try and have a fixed updating schedule in the future so you will know what time and day you can expect new chapters.

But who knew? Vincent? Remember him from any previous chapters?

This is just the beginning of the ride hehe.

Someone said if you voted for this chapter you will be a millionaire x

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