Chapter 32

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(Happy late birthday Jungwon oopa! Sarranghaeyo!)


Keefe's POV

I tried to hang around Fitz today. But it was really hard. He's been crazy jumpy. I don't know why.


I'm walking out of my 5th period class when someone drags me into the men's restroom. I quickly turn to face the person.

"Fitz?" I ask. My shoulders relaxing a bit. "What's up?"

His eyes are frantically glancing everywhere. "Keefe. Aella is gonna break the Drayups out of prison."

I start to crack up. "Yeah and I'm Thomas Edison." He glares at me.

"I'm not joking. They are bringing them to the States for trial. Really late for some reason. She's going to go and break them free." He grabs my arms. "We have to stop her!"

"Okay. Dude, you need to get some sleep. And second, she wouldn't do that. Have you seen how tiny and unathletic she is?"

"It's all a cover. Here!" He shoves his phone in my face.

I see a voice recording. I click on it and listen. My mouth hangs open. The whole clip is of Aella threatening Fitz for information. I freeze.

Maybe Fitz is right about her.

"Well? What are we waiting for? (LETCHUGO!!! Lol! Jk jk) Let's go!" I grab Fitz's arm and race out of school.


"We are we going?" I ask eyes on the road.

Fitz glances at his watch. "She probably already ran away with them. Do you know where she would take them?"

I rack my brain trying to think.


"Hey Keefe?" Aella walks up to me with her dazzling smile. "Can you drive me somewhere?"

I nod and guide her to my car. "Where to?"

"Just follow my directions." She says sternly.

She tells me where to go. Minutes later we arrive at her destination. "Wait here. I need to do something."

I nod and relax. When she is far enough I jump out of the car and quietly follow her. My curiosity taking over me.

I rush I hide when she turns around. After a bit she keeps walking and I follow.

She stops at a small corner. She opens a trapdoor and walks in. A loooooong time later she emerges.

She heads back to the car. I panic. Quickly I race past her and hide behind a bush.

"KEEFE?!" Aella shouts.

I come out from my hiding place acting like I used the bathroom. "What's up?" I ask nonchalantly.

"What were you doing?" She raises an eyebrow.

"What does it look like? I peed." I shrug.

Her face cringes. "Okay. Forget I ever asked."


After I dropped her off I quickly drove back. But before I left she said, "Forget everything about where I took you." Then she goes in.

I went back to the trapdoor ignoring what she said. This time I went in. A long dark tunnel stretches out in two directions. I quickly jump out. Too afraid to go further.

End of Flashback.

I quickly u turn the car and drive to the trapdoor. "I know where."

"Keefe. If you know call the police." Fitz states.

"No. I need to know for sure." I push the gas pedal harder.

"Wait here." I say. I don't wait for him to respond. I sprint to the trapdoor.

I hear voices underneath. It kinda sounds like Aella and...two other voices.

I turn and sprint back. I get into the car. "Call the police." I whisper.


7 police cars. 2 in each car. Everyone armed.

I guide them to 'the spot'. Fitz and I wait behind the wall. The trapdoor squeaks open. The police fire their guns. We peak in.

The first thing I see is the furthest wall. It's covered in bullet holes. Then I look toward the cluster of people.

They surround two frail looking people. Quickly and silently they cuff them and and take them away. The last person thanks us and walks off.

I want to check the tunnel. Make sure Aella is okay. But 4 police men stayed behind to start investigating. Slowly we turn to leave. Breathing out I say a silent prayer.

Hi y'all!

Long chappie.





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