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Jin had been looking for me because he'd gotten word that the Field Trip Open House event was finally scheduled, and we were going to be hosting the entire fourth grade from a local school at the end of the month. We had received several boxes of marketing materials for the event, which I had just finished unpacking earlier that day. I had holed myself up in the back office after my lunch break, putting together folders for the kids, and my mind started to wonder, recalling the past few nights I'd spent with Yoongi at the farmhouse...

Wednesday Night

Yoongi invited me over to his farmhouse that night. We had just finished eating dinner together. He had suggested watching a movie and ordering some takeout, so we were sitting on the living room floor at the coffee table, and I was leaning against him, watching the movie.

"You cold?" he asked, reaching for a blanket behind him on the couch.

I nodded and snuggled closer to him, putting my legs up into his lap. I had worn a mid-thigh-length black skirt that day, and since I'd taken off my tall boots, my legs were covered in goosebumps from the drafty old house.

I felt the warmth of the thick, woven blanket drape over my legs and snuggled into his chest as I took in his wonderful scent... a lovely mixture of rich wood, a touch of citrus, and a hint of spice.

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He took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh. I felt his arm slide off my shoulder before moving his hand down my side. His fingers slowly started sliding up and down the side of my ribs, so lightly that it made me shiver, making him crack that adorable, almost silent laugh again.

"What's wrong?" he asked playfully, looking down and smirking at me, raising one eyebrow.

"Min Yoongi, virtuoso, you are driving me absolutely CRAZY. Every time you touch me it's like I'm being shocked by an AED," and I turned into his chest, giggling, a bit ashamed of my admission. This was all so new, and happening faster than I think either of us could explain, even if we tried.

"AED... So dramatic... " he laughed, "So, Miss Faye... you DO have a sense of humor!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, dropping my jaw in a fake gasp and playfully smacking his chest with the back of my hand.

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