Behavior program pt.2

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Ever since i told von i couldnt drop him off anywhere and brought him back to my house i swear hes been purposely trying to annoy me.

Von turned the corner and leaned against the Wall " take me to my friends house" he said

I shook my head " sit yo ass down before I fuck you up" i said

Von rolled his eyes walking over to sit on the couch on the other side of the room " why you got so many rooms im yo house" he asked

I sighed shrugging " i dont know its just built like this" I said

" who else live here?" He asked making me roll my eyes

I looked down trying not to snap cause then he would probaly get me in trouble " just me" i said

" why you buy such a big house then?" He asked smirking seeing the annoyed look growing on my face

I rolled my eyes " i dont know damn whats will all the questions" I said

Von shrugged smugly " what kind of music do you make" he asked

i sighed setting my phone down " im a rapper" i said annoyed

Von smirked looking at me " why are you eyes so big" he asked

I looked at him confused " what dose that have to do with anything" i asked

Von laughed shrugging " nothing. Can i listen to your music" he asked

  I rolled my eyes starting to regret not taking the jail time " i dont care. Go upstairs find a tv, find a speaker, you have a phone I dont give a shit just go away" I said

Von chuckled and stood up walking up the stairs he opened a room then slammed the door. He walked to another door opened it then slammed it making me flinch. He walked to the next one which was the music room, it was wear i wrote music, it had three tvs and two speakers, bean bag chairs, a lap top. I could hear him gasp and a few seconds later a door close gently. I smiled shaking my head I didnt like the situation but I liked not being alone. I went back to scrolling and a few minutes later i could hear the all to familar beat of no auto durk starting to play. The song played through and one by one he listened to all my songs. After a while it went silent then i remembered when I was seventeen i would jump out of Windows. I stood up and walked up the stairs opening the door seeing that he was sitting there still. I sighed walking over to the Bean bag chair sitting in it.

  Von smirked " awe you were worried about me. Dont worry your windows to high to jump out of" he said

I rolled my eyes it wasn't like that was any better cause I had windows down the stairs to " good to know" i said sarcastically

Von grinned but it quickly went away as he looked around " im bored" he said

I shrugged " there's atleast one thing to do in every room.. Go look around" i said

Von grinned standing up which made me think he was gonna leave but he didn't he just walked over sitting next to me. Way to close for my concern

  I looked at him scooting away " nigga you all up in my space. What you want" I asked

Von shrugged putting his hand on my knee making me try and move it but he didn't budge. He started training his hand up my thigh like i was a bitch or something. Im dumb as fuck, this nigga was in jail of course his weird ass is horny.

  I pushed his hand away " nah we not doing this right now" i said shaking my head

Von placed his hand back just higher this time " why?" He asked

I tried to push his hand away " for many reasons mostly that your seventeen" i said standing up

Von crossed his arms annoyed " imma be eightteen in a week" I said

I nodded " yeah well a week is enough time for them to take me back to jail" i said as he stood up starting to walk towards me

I shook my head starting to step back into the wall which im sure is what I did wrong cause before i knew it i was trapped against the wall " i won't tell" he said

I stood there for a second before going back to shaking my head pushing passed him " nah you need to calm your horny ass down" i said

Von rolled his eyes " you won't let me go home and your supposed to help me" he said

I nodded " yeah help you with yo behavior not with.. That" I said

Von smirked shrugging " there's a whole lot of that by the way" he said

I sighed trying to think of something to change the subject " i gotta do this for a month. So what you want for your g day" I asked

Von crossed his arms smirking smugly making me quickly shake my head " not that. Something else" he said

This was gonna be a long ass month and i could tell it was going to end badly.


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