26- invisible laughing

455 26 65

"This was a new skill she'd acquired,

 the ability to look, to the outside world, 

utterly serene and even cheerful, 

while, in her skull, 

all was chaos." 

― Dave Eggers 


The Scottish concept of autumn was something that should have been abolished decades ago, if not centuries. If there was one thing Elaine was sure of, it would be that. In France, when November rolled around, there would still be sun lingering on top of the mountains, basking the castle in a warm light and raising the spirits of the students, sometimes even luring them out on the grounds, where cotoneaster bushes showed their abundance of bright orange fruits, the trees sporting similar colors.

November in Scotland was nothing like that. Elaine was sure to have frozen her feet off at least twice in the last week, she had frost burns at top of her fingertips and she was sure that she had packed at least a dozen sweaters too few, if not twenty.

All in all, she hated it. Absolutely, bloodily despised whatever that month appeared to be.

And now she couldn't even stay in the warm comfort of her bed, since she hadn't finished her Charms essay that was literally due next period.

The girl sighed as she cuddled deeper into the warmth of the woolen blanket she had taken down to the common room, holding her freezing feet closer to the flames dancing in the fireplace.

The as good as empty parchment in her lap seemed to be mocking her, as did the three already discarded tries currently wilting between the wood.

Oh, how she hated Mondays. And November. And the cold.

"You know, it won't get warmer just because you're trying to laser the cold away babes"

Elaine nearly jumped up as the voice of Luana Dolohov appeared right behind her left ear.

"Sa mère la pute", the French swore in shock as she managed to drop her ink glass, the contents spilling over her blanket and the carpet.

Luana only tsked, swishing her wand and removing the stains. "Good morning to you too", she remarked ironically, earning herself a death glare by Elaine.

"You didn't have to jump up behind me like some creepy serial killer", she defended herself, scooting over slightly on the sofa so that her friend could put her feet up on her lap while lounging down on the other side. "Why are you awake?", Elaine asked nonchalantly, trying to bring some focus back on her sadly still unfinished essay.

"Guess", Luana smirked, though her eyes clearly showed some signs of tiredness.

Elaine ponded over the question for a few seconds, before letting out a quick laugh. "Queen Victoria I. of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India?", she asked, receiving a high five from her friend in return.

"I hate that fucking owl so much", Luana affirmed, throwing her head back on a cushion. "And it's always me! She never hangs over your bedpost like some creepy serial killer"

"Maybe she fears you will take away her business", Elaine remarked sarcastically, though her eyes sparkled of warmth. "It's going to be an epic fight", she promised.

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