Auditions Proceed

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Jack POV
My anxiety skyrocketed as Medda walked onto the stage. I had just been hanging out with Elmer and Albert, and hadn't noticed Spot and the other sports people coming in. That means auditions have officially started. Time to live through one of the most stressful hours of my life! I thought ruefully.

You could tell everyone else was feeling the same way, because the mood in the auditorium dropped. It used to feel airy and light, fun. But now it was cold and silent, frozen.

"I know you are all nervous, I can feel it." Medda started. "But we have devised a slightly new method this year. You will only have to perform for me and anyone who you want, anyone you don't want there won't be included." This elicited a massive sigh of relief from the actors and techies.

"Where will the others go?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Any classroom, we are able to use the intercom system so you will hear when I call your name." Medda explained. "First up is Magnus Bane!" At the call of the first name, the group started to disperse. Most kids shuffled their way out of the auditorium, although three or four stayed with this 'Magnus' kid. I met up with the gang at Denton's classroom.

"Ahhh this is so nerve-racking!" Race yelled as we walked in. Everyone shouted out their agreement with that statement.

"Yeah. Random question, but who is everyone letting see their auditions?" Finch asked.

"Probably all of you, and thats it." Spot answered, and the rest of us agreed.

"Maybe we should try to pass the time by playing a ga-" I was cut off by Medda's voice ringing through the intercom system.

"Issabelle Lightwood, you are up!"

"A game." I finished, and that caused a few of the gang to chuckle.

"What game?" Albert questioned.

"Oh I have one!" Romeo yelled out. "Have you ever heard of the game 'I'm going on a camping trip'?" Most of us shook our heads. "Basically we go around the room saying what we would bring on a camping trip, really or not really. But the trick is it is in alphabetical order and you have to remember all the past answers. If you mess up, you are out. Ready?"

This was how we ignored the other names being called, and ended up watching as Spot dominated at the game. It was now between Spot and Katherine, and if Spot got this right he would win.

"I'm going on a camping trip and I am bringing an alphabet, a banana, a cork, a devil, an entrepreneur, foxes, g-fuel, hamilton, an igloo, a jack of spades, katherine, love, markers, Niagara Falls, the opra, party favors, quiche, Red Robins, salads, tsunamis, uv rays, a velociraptor, a window wiper, a xylophone, your mom, and a zebra." The room exploded into excited yells as Spot finished, a smug look on his face.

"OH MY GOD HE ACTUALLY DID IT!" Race screeched.

"I have only seen someone win once before," Romeo said in awe.

"I think we all know what we must do now." Crutchie stated. "Worship Spot and his memory." Everyone laughed and agreed. From there we just talked, and talked, and talked, and talked some more. Until suddenly-

"Jack Kelly, c'mon down!" The words immediately sapped the happiness from my face. The gang noticed and hurried me outside, assuring me that I'd do great. We made it to the auditorium to early for my liking, and the gang went to sit in the seats. We caught the final notes of a song from someone named Kara Danvers, who was actually really good.

I hopped up on stage, and immediately started ignoring the gang. Not because I wanted to be rude, but because it would help me focus.

"Hi I am Jack Kelly, auditioning for the role of Larry Murphey, with the song 'Dancing Through Life' from Wicked." I stated. Medda already knew this, but it was a procedure we had to do. Medda scribbled down some notes and pulled up the instrumental of Dancing Through Life. I took a small breath and sent a thumbs up her way.

She started the music, and I got ready to sing.

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