chapter six

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[song - afraid by the neighborhood]

I sat next to Ryan with Kira behind us in Math that day, wasn't so bad. Except for the fact that Kira kept asking Ryan for the answers and when she claimed not to know, Kira kept kicking my chair until I aknowledged her. I spent most of the lesson helping her, not that I minded. I understood everything that we were doing.

Madame Evelyn was my French teacher. She was very intimidating and gorgeous. She treated everyone with respect and expected the same. Although the class may have been long, she somehow made it fun.

Much to my despair, it was time for lunch. Which meant that everyone had to walk almost halfway across campus to eat. I had about half a mind to ditch and hide in the bathroom. But, somehow, Blake managed to find me among the crowded halls and dragged me to lunch.

The dining hall was chaotic, as per usual. They served pizza. I couldn't bring myself to have a slice, despite my stomach's endless growling, I settled for a bottle of water.

Blake led me outside of the dining hall with his tray in hand. Under a big tree sat everyone else - except Percy and Ryan. The grass we sat on was cut short and healthy. It spread over most of the terrain. A few large trees were scattered here and there with other groups under them.

"Look who I found." Blake said proudly and dropped himself next to Tristan. I sat next to Kira and Tristan whilst I rested my back against the trunk of the tree.

I watched in agony as Blake and Kira devoured their greasy, fattening, goodness. I chugged down more of my water, trying to suppress my stomach's complaints.

"Hey Venessa, are you on some type of diet? I’ve barely seen you eat." Tristan asks while prodding at his salad.

"No," I wouldn't call it a diet.

"Then?" He pressed.

"I'm not the biggest fan of pizza." I lied.

Kira let out a strangled cry. "You're not what? What is wrong with? Is it 'cause you're British?"

"What does being British have to do with anything?" I frowned.

"Ha!" Blake barked out a laugh. "She said Bri - ish!"

"I don't know. British people are so different, you know?"

"I- okay?"

We saf in comfortable silence until Ryan joined us with a heavy sigh.

"Hey you, how'd it go with Bev?" Kira questioned.

"How did you know I was talking Bev?" She looked at Kira with a frown.

"I saw you leave the dining hall with her. Now spill, what did she want?"

"She asked me out." She said calmly.


"I said no." She shrugged.

"Were you at least nice about?" Kira laughed.

"I think so."

"I don't get it." Tristan huffed, obviously frustrated. "Why do all the hot girls ask you out? You don't even like girls."

"Dunno, guess I'm the better looking twin." She smirked, annoying him even further.

"I mean, Ryan does vibe off the vibe, you know?." Ryan rolled her eyes. "I know it's bad to assume but I don't know. Maybe people's gaydars are of or something." She shrugged and waved her hand in a dismissing manner.

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