Fresh Forgiveness

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Karl was laying wide awake in his bed for another time when he heard a knock at his door. He assumed it was Nick, trying to apologize again, or just make out, so he didn't answer. Another small knock started to annoy him, so he sat up and called out.

"Get lost, Nick," He started to get angry when he heard to door open, but it wasn't Nick who stood there at all. It was a teary-eyed Dream, leaning his head against the side of the doorway looking softly at Karl, glad to see him safe.

"Oh, Dream, I'm sorry," Karl quickly apologized, embarrassed that he assumed it was Nick. "Are you alright?" He asked when Dream just sat looking at him. He breathed in deeply and nodded.

"I just- I just wanted to make sure you're okay," Dream whispered, leaning his head back gently.

"Karl I'm sorry I yelled at you. I-I couldn't- I can't-"

"Dream, it's alright. Do you want to sit with me? I can't sleep either," The blonde boy blinked his teary eyes and nodded softly. Karl lifted a blanket, making room next to him where he sat against the wall. Dream sleepily climbed in and held on to Karl's arm like a kid.

Dream was over a foot taller than Karl was, and much stronger, but he felt so small and safe staying with Karl, knowing that he was still safe. He felt that if he sat with Karl, he could keep him there forever, and he wouldn't have to lose him too. Karl held onto him tightly, reassuring him that he was there, and he was safe. When Dream finally felt comfortable, he quickly fell asleep, but Karl stayed up for longer, still lost in thought.

He wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but he felt guilty for causing the group so much trouble. They had all visited to see him and each other, but it felt like he had to be babysat by them. First with the dream, then when he passed out, and now this newest incident. He was tired of feeling like people had to take care of him.

He didn't want to be babied anymore.


At some point during the night, Karl had fallen asleep and was soon woken with a wash of sunlight, warming his face. He looked down and saw Dream still latched onto his arm. Karl knew a bit about Clay's past, but not everything, never pressing for any more information. What he could figure though, if Dream was still there, holding firmly to Karl, he must've really not been doing well.

He was always embarrassed when he showed weakness or emotion, so he tried to pull himself together quickly when he noticed. But as Dream snored, it was clear he had no idea how vulnerable he was. Karl softly rubbed his shoulder trying to wake him up gently without scaring him. Dreams eyes finally fluttered open and he let go quickly sitting up. He cleared his throat and yawned, nodding at Karl in a silent agreement before he slipped out of the room.

Karl laughed to himself as he watched Dream try to be stealthy, pretending like he was okay. I mean, props to him, he found a way to cope that worked for him. Karl was quickly reminded that it was finally Valentine's day, but it felt inappropriate to celebrate in the state his friend group was in.

He stretched and flung off the blankets Making his way over to the door. He swung it open just in time to see Nick leaving the guest room. They locked eyes for a moment, only disconnecting when Karl noticed that Nick was staring at his hickeys. He had almost completely forgotten about them. He quickly slapped a hand over them and turned back around to hide them, but was caught.
"Wait- Karl," Nicked looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Can we just talk for a second?" Karl sighed for a second, and motioned to the open door, hand still on his neck. When they were both in the room, Nick shut the door and leaned awkwardly against the wall while Karl shuffled through his clothes searching for a turtle neck.

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