Chap 27 - I Just

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"No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point and sometimes all she needs is a hug."



Alana's POV

"" I barely could get my apology out.

My father had shook my by the shoulders before throwing me on the ground. He was using his shoe to stomp right down on my stomach, making sure that when I walk out of here, no one would ever know this had happened.

I should've known better...

There's no way I would have ended up with Trevor.

Even remotely...

I kept muttering apologies but my father didn't accept any.

I saw him loosen his belt and I knew I was done for at that very moment.

He flung his belt high up the air before it sliced through the air and landed on my back. He continued doing that while screaming his head off.

"You! Bitch! You! Don't! Deserve! Any! Love! YOU DARE TO HOPE?" My father bellowed in intervals while whipping me.

This was the most lenient beating I've ever gotten because I don't feel that my back had split all open with wounds.

Until now he's still saving face for himself...

I hated my father so much but after the haunting image of my mother flashes before my face, I instantly feel the guilt rush back into me.

I'm pretty sure anyone in their right mind would have said that I was to blame.

Not being able to pull my own mother up from the burning basement to the ground? That was just unforgivable.

If only she was alive, none of these would have happened.

I should have been the one to go instead...


As all these thoughts plagued my mind, my father just continued to stomp on me.

After what felt like an eternity, my father bent down and held my chin so that our eyes would meet.

His menacing gaze pierced right through me and if looks could kill, I would have probably been six feet under by now.

"If there wasn't an event like today, you know how bad you're punishment would have been. One week. That's all I'm giving you. You don't have to come to work as well," my father ended off with that threatening message and left the room.

I just sat down their in the corner of the room and curled up into a ball.

I sat there staring into blank space, my mind totally incapable of processing anything.


Trevor's POV

Alana has been gone for way too long with her father.

I see Braxton Rivers but where is she?

Did something happen?

I started to walk towards the direction of the lounge where I last saw them walk in there together but before walked half-way, Alana came out of the room.

I saw her staring at the floor, practicing a fake smile. She tried to grin widely but it looked so fake that she even shook her head right there and then.

She tried again and nodded her head before looking up and around the ballroom.

As soon as our eyes met, her eyes showed some sort of hesitation.

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