everything's gonna change soon.

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"C'mon, Harry. It's three syllables. Si. Ri. Us," Sirius said as he danced around holding Harry. The brunette-haired baby sucked his thumb while laughing at his godfather's antics.

"He's three months old, Pads. It'll be a miracle if he could understand what any of us are saying," Cerise said as she snuggled next to Remus on the Potters' new home coach.

"Meaning, that we are 100% allowed to say 'fuck' around him," Sirius sang happily.

"Sirius!" Lily cried. James covered his eyes as he began to hysterically laugh. Lily slapped his shoulder. James innocently raised his hands up, making Lily roll her eyes and walk over to their kitchen.

Sirius spun around a few times before placing him in his little corner of the living room. Harry rolled over the blanket that was placed under him and giggled. The friends all happily watched the boy play. Harry then sat up and reached for one of the many stuffed animals placed next to him. They were a gift from the Marauders and Cerise. Sitting next to him were a stuffed wolf, rat, dog, stag, and hippogriff. Harry struggled, but eventually reached and grabbed for the stuffed rat. He wrapped his arms around it and giggled. The friends happily sighed as well. The only one whose sigh wasn't as happy was Cerise's.

Peter was in the corner of the room smiling. Cerise still hadn't gotten the balls to confront Peter about that night at Grimmauld Place, but he hasn't been that flaky ever since then so she dropped it. She thought, or more, hoped that night was only a moment of weakness for him and nothing more. That didn't mean she was entirely comfortable with Peter after that night.

In fact, none of them were ever fully comfortable with each other after the day they were told the news. Once they found out that the Order was infiltrated with a mole, none of them have ever been able to confide with one another in the small chance that it could be one of them.

Did they believe it couldn't be one of them? Of course.

Did they still not trust one another? No comment.

After that night the entire gang began to hang out with one another less and less. James and Lily went off to raise their family of 3 together in their new temporary apartment, Remus and Cerise moved into their own apartment as well, and Sirius and Peter both separately began doing their own secretive stuff alone. It started to become worrying when Sirius began flaking on small occasions. James would invite Sirius over to play wizard chess and he would give a very lame excuse, or Cerise would invite him over for coffee and once again, Sirius would give some bullshit excuse. They all knew that he was out partying and coming home with multiple girls and guys. They originally wanted to ask why he would act out but they never got the chance.

After they all found out about the death of Regulus Black, they all began to stop questioning Sirius's troubling behavior.

Harry began to cough making James jump into father mode. He instantly picked the boy up and scurried off into the kitchen looking for his wife. He scurried off leaving the rest of the friends alone.

"Don't you guys think we should acknowledge what Harry's birth means?" Peter first spoke up.

"You mean the—," Cerise lowered her voice, "the prophecy that Sybill made?"

Sirius sighed. "That kook's always said weird stuff. The words that come out of her mouth are as bullshit as the makeup smudged all over Griff's neck to cover those ghastly hickeys. Well done, by the way, Moony," he clicked his tongue before motioning his pointer finger in a circle while whistling. Remus physically spazzed out while the rest of their friends mouths dropped. Cerise covered her neck while trying to ignore his comment.

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