An Elf's Savior

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Riveria Ljos Alf, currently 24 years old and the vice captain of the Loki Familia. To outsiders she is seen as the mother of the familia. Many of the members were really interested in her love life, but what if she was already engaged in someone?

Flash Back/Dream
We can see Riveria as a kid playing outside. She was playing alone until she saw a boy playing with some wooden swords. She stood up and walked his way.

"Um hello" Riveria said, "my name is Riveria! What's yours?"

The boy was scared from the sudden appearance of the girl. He composed himself and looks at the girl, the most notable thing about her was her jade hair and eyes.

"H..Hello! I'm Bell!" The boy said with his cheeks having a heavy red color

Riveria laughed the boy's antics, she found him really cute.

Riveria POV
I woke up, and I saw it was just a dream of when I first met Bell. My father told me he had a mission for him, and that was 7 years ago, Bell's 19 birthday just passed. I haven't gotten any letters on how Bell is doing. What if Bell died!? No! Bell's strong enough to protect himself. But we're engaged so it's my duty to worry for him

"Miss Riveria!" A voice called out from behind her room door, "I'm ready for my morning training"

"Okay Lefiya!" Riveria said through the door, "meet me in the library, I'll get ready really quick"

Riveria changed into her mage robes, she grabbed her books that taught the basics of magic. It might have seemed useless but magic had a different effect for everyone. There were also different kinds of magic depending on how the user viewed it.

Bell POV
I woke up and went to the dungeon. Riveria doesn't know I'm here...I haven't seen her in 7 years. Over the past 7 years I've been going around cities, I got to Orario 2 years ago and I found out Riveria joined the Loki Familia. I hope she doesn't see me, she's definitely going to kill me when she finds out I've been in Orario for 2 years

"Ahhhh" a person yelled out from nearby. Bell heard this and went to rush in, only to find that the person had been killed by a Minotaur. Bell rushed in with his spear and instantly killed the Minotaur. He went up to the pile of blood and saw a pallum girl laying there.

"I..I was too late" Bell said in disappointment, "the only thing I can do now is report this to the guild"

Bell grabbed the body and wrapped it in some covers, he took the body back to the guild to inform Royman

"Mister Royman, someone had been killed by a Minotaur in floor 5" Bell said

"I'm sorry to hear that Bell, leave the body here and we shall send our condolences to their familia" Royman said, Bell was about to leave until Royman called him again

"Oh Bell! King Larfal had sent you a letter" Royman said while handing Bell a letter

"L..Larfal! R..Riveria's!" Bell yelled out mentally, Larfal is Rivera's dad, and Bell's soon to be Father in law.

"O..Okay t..thanks Royman" Bell said before walking out. Bell looked at the letter and saw a stamp that belongs to Alf's Royal Forest, the birth place of Riveria. Bell opened the letter and started to read its contents.

Dear Bell,

I would like to inform you that you would be taking a break, the information you have gathered regarding the dungeon had satisfied the council. I am proud to be calling you my son in law, you have done a lot to help the elven people despite how the others view humans.

P.S please take care of my daughter for me.

Sincerely, Larfal Ljos Alf

"W..Wait, I can finally see Riveria!? After 7 years!?" Bell thought while running to the twilight manor, "I must meet her immediately"

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