12) Smile

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I woke up around 11:00 am and I was still tired

I grabbed my phone from my table and I saw a text message from Cullen

"Can you come over around noon? I want to talk to you"

He texted me that an hour ago

"Okay I'll be there soon" I replied

I got out of bed and wore something casual but comfortable. I drove to his house and pulled up in the driveway. I ringed the door bell and I saw Cullen smiling at me.

He gave a kiss which I wasn't ready for

I walked in and it was suspiciously quiet

"It's quiet for once here" I said and Cullen laughed "Yeah Soph is out with this girl name Taylor" He said and I clenched my wrist

I shouldn't be feeling this feeling but It was bothering me

"Where did they go?" I asked sitting down on the living room couch while he grabbed some wine in the kitchen "The park, they're having a brunch picnic together. Isn't that sweet" He said and I nodded

"She should be home any minute now" He added and sat down next to me

I drank some wine and try to keep Sophia out of my mind

"So what do you want to talk about" I put the wine glass down "I like to apologize about last night" He said "About?" I looked at him

He was probably apologizing how he was too rush about last night and all up on me

"Sophia, she messed everything up. I had a perfect night between us and she just popped out of nowhere in the kitchen and she ruined everything" He said

How can a father talk to his daughter like that

"It's fine, Sophia didn't mean to" I said and he nodded "You're right" He smiled and then we heard laughter outside. The door opened and I saw Sophia walking in wearing a summer short dress

"Hey kiddo" Dad gave her a hug

She saw me and slightly smiled at me

"How was the picnic?" Cullen asked "It was so good! Taylor bought us sushi which tasted amazing" She said happily "That's amazing glad you had fun with her" Cullen said

Taylor is up to something

I knew Taylor for a long time and she never acted like this before

She went upstairs and I was already missing her presence

I finished my wine and pour another glass

I stayed there a little longer until I finally left. I got back home and started to do my work. Finish up some papers and organizing them. I look at the time and I was only 5:00 pm

This day is going slow

I decided to go to the bookstore because I wanted more books. When I got there it was calming and relaxing. I went my favorite spot and I saw Sophia eating ice cream while reading a book

"You have to stop going here late" I said and she looked up with those adorable eyes "Oh hi" She said and pat a bean bag next to her

"What time did you get here?" I asked "Mhmm around 3:00 pm" She said not even looking at me and I stare at her side profile

She is beautiful

I saw her reading the book and her glasses were slipping off

I chuckled and she turn her head to me which made me drop my smile

"You smiled!"

"No I didn't" I avoided her

"Yes you did! I never saw you smile like that before. It's like you were actually smiling" She said and I rolled my eyes "What are you reading?" I asked her and she turned her head back to the book.

I couldn't see what book it is so I lean closer to her

When she turn her head we were so close

Her eyes kind widened and I can feel her being tensed

My heart started to beat like crazy so I quickly backed up

"Uh well I'm just reading this poem book" She cleared her throat. "I think it's time for me to go home. You can enjoy staying here" She said standing up which made me stand up too "Let me drive you" I said


"I don't want the same thing that happened last time. Remember, I want to keep you safe especially at this time" I said

"Fine" She said

We got into my car and I drove her to her house

"Thanks" She said and I nodded. She got out of the car and went inside leaving me alone

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