Chapter 14: Your not my lover,more like a brother

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     I was standing in the front line of fellow karate students as we practiced punches in front of sensei Lawrence. "L/n straight your knees you won't rock as much" I nodded and did so and he was right I smiled and continued and sensei nodded with a grin.

"Hey y/n you got plans after practice?" Miguel asked as we switch to partner work. "Uh not really why" I laughed grabbing the punching gloves. He took a few punches to my hands."well my mom and grandma are making a new dish and wanted me to bring someone to to try it and Hawk isn't happy with me" he trailed off. "Who is still my boyfriend " I smirked. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Not like that it's not a date, switch the gloves" he said signaling me to hand them to him.

"Isnt that what you told Sam" I said taking the gloves off. "I'm serious, plus you really think I'd make things harder for you, I don't see you like that sorry" he laughed and I grabbed my heart in pain."damn ouch Miggy" I said and we both laughed. "Come on asshat get to punching " he said holding up his hands.

   I hit a few punches. "Kicks let's go" Sensei Lawrence yelled out. "Are you sure your ready?" I laughed getting pumped up. "Oh please" he said as I kicked to his hand once and he groaned and rocked back abit. "Ok maybe not" I laughed as he stood and stiffened up."I'm thinking about talking to Sam again." I stopped and and looked at him. "You really think that's a good idea."I said taken aback. "I mean she bring up our octopus thing" Miguel said taking another on of my kicks.

"After everything, your stuck on this octopus thing" I smirked as I got in position for him to kick. "Your still with Hawk even though what he did to Demetri, and the fact he's still looking up to Kreese" he said as he struggled to kick. "How bout we take a break, besides what Sam did and Hawk did or totally different." I said comforting him.

"So is that a yes" he asked smirking. "So the desert menu?" I asked crossing my arms. " uh we have chocoflan, arroz con leche, and my favorite flan napolitano " Miguel said grabbing his water bottle. "Class is dismissed" We all turned to Sensei Lawrence and bowed before leaving. "If I can take a bit of chocoflan home I'm in" I laughed . "Bet I'll text you the address, we eat around 6:30" he said before leaving the other side of the park and I walked to my car in the parking lot.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. "Well don't you look adorable in workout clothes" I jumped and looked up to see Hawk. A smile rose to my face as I practically through myself into his arms and kissed him. "What are you doing here?" I asked pushing my hair out of my face."well I thought maybe since now you work and do Karate, I'd spend the evening with you" you smirked and he cupped my cheek and pulled me into another kiss.

When we pulled away I was left with a frown and when he noticed his charming smile turned to a pout."what's wrong" he asked grabbing my hand. "It's just it's a great idea and I'd love to , but Miguel asked me to come over and try a new dish his grandmother is doing". I said upset. Hawk looked away and huffed out air. "What's wrong?" I frowned my eyebrows and rested my hands on his chest as his moved to my hips.

"Just I don't wanna lose you to him" he said and I snorted and laughed. "Not gonna happen trust me" he looked at me a smirked. "Besides" I said a bit seductive. "He doesn't know how to handle me like you do" I said whispering in his ear. As he smirked and bit his lip while looking up I took the opportunity and kissed his neck.

I kissed until I got to his collarbone as started working on one place. He grabbed me by wrapping his arms around me flipping us around so that my back leaned on my car. I laughed as he then returned the favor and kissed my lightly as he got to my lips and passionately. His hand traced down my body before lightly grabbing my bum . It caused me to lightly jump as we both pulled away smiling and laughing. "Ok fine , you can go over I trust you. But I wanna spend the night again tonight and bring me home some" he smirked resting his head on mine. "Read my mind handsome" I said as he gave me one last kiss. "I love you" he said still holding me. "I love you too" we then pulled away and he walked over to his bike, got on and rode away.

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