Chapter 19: Cave Drawings

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The demigod examined the walls of the cave. "Wow."

"Percy? What do you see?" Damon called out.

"Uh. Art?" She replied.

The Salvatore scoffed. "Art? Really? You're telling me Mason Lockwood led us to some cute mural?"

The demigod shrugged. "There's little stick figures. They're pretty cute. And..." She examined the wall more.

There were letters written out in runic. The language was one of the few the demigod knew. Annabeth taught her the ancient viking script after she learned about it from her cousin, Magnus.

The words on the wall spelled out the names of the original family. She recognized the words, Rebekah, Elijah, and Niklaus.

"Percy? And what? What else do you see?" The vampire asked.

The raven haired beauty responded simply, "There's a pretty drawing of a wolf."

Damon rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna call Ric."


She looked across the wall and read the other names. Finn, Kol, and Mikael were inscribed on the wall too.



Percy heard footsteps and Damon speaking. "You're here. It's about time."

"Didn't have anyone else to call?" Alaric retorted.

The Salvatore answered, "No, actually, I don't. 'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Elena, you're pretty much the only one I trust."

The two continued having a heart to heart as the sea green eyed girl continued looking at the wall.

A few minutes later, the history teacher stood a few feet away from the demigod and looked at the walls too.

"We found something." He spoke to Damon.

Percy laughed. "Obviously."

"What is it?" The Salvatore questioned.

Alaric shined a flashlight at the walls to get a better view of the images. "I have no idea."


The next day, Elena, Percy, Damon, and Alaric went back to the cave through the old Lockwood cellar.

"So the Lockwoods really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Elena asked as they walked.

The history teacher replied, "Yeah. Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light."

"Wait, what?" The doppelgänger asked.

Damon snuck up behind the brunette and whispered, "Elena."

She spun around as he said, "Boo!"

Elena gasped in shock. She hit Damon's arm, "God, Damon."

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