Chapter 19 《By your side forever 🍋》

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~Hi, this chapter has a decent amount of spice in it so if you are underage or don't feel comfortable reading those parts I will have it marked where it starts and ends so please skip over it~

Of course at the apartment you were having a mid life crisis, literally wallowing in doom and dread, wanting to just dig yourself an early grave thinking about how you basically spilled your feeling out to Keigo and not only that but how you threw yourself on him, constantly making advances on him. To you, although your memories of those showed up in your mind you barely recalled any of his reactions and every image from the night before was just of what you said and did.

As you tried to clear your mind and figure out what you're going to do at this point, Keigo who was now patrolling alongside Mirko couldn't keep you off his mind. All throughout the patrol you had been running through his mind non stop, no thanks to Mirko's bombardment of teases and questions revolving around you.

Even after his patrol with Mirko finished and he was busy with more hero work you still continued to occupy his thoughts but that didn't bother him much because the thoughts of you occasionally mixed with hearing your crisis back at the apartment did entertain him and boost his mood for some time as he worked.

~Later that night, December 27~

Even though you were recovered and back in full commission you still stuck with your routine that you have grown accustomed to, of what you would do when Keigo returned home late. That being waking up late in the night when he returned and just bringing him to his bed since he would still fall asleep on the couch.

However, this night was a little different, he arrived home exhausted and as usual he was laying on the couch, but although he layed on the couch he was still awake with his arm covering his eyes.

His mind was wandering and thinking of many things, mainly thinking of what you had said and how he was possibly going to confess to you, but while deep in thought he heard light footsteps coming from the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Assuming it was just you, he just layed there with his eyes still closed not minding you, assuming you were probably up just to getting some water or something. That is, until he heard you mutter something and felt you nearby.

You let out a yawn "you're always knocking out on the couch" you sighed tiredly as you slightly hovered over him. Within a couple of seconds he felt 2 hands gently positioning him in a sitting position. "I don't think I can face you when you're awake after yesterday, but at least you're asleep and I can just bring you to your bed like usual" you say to yourself shuttering from embarrassment recalling last night.

In the beginning he assumed that he probably just woke up at some point in the night and walked to his room but eventually he figured out that it was you bringing him to his bed, but that was only recently when he figure that out. So knowing that it was you he was intrigued by what you said and so wanting to hear more of what you might say and wanting to see how you were going to carry him to his bed he pretended that he was asleep.

In the sitting position he was in, he heard you crouch down, "gosh I'm not even that old yet but my knees make me sound like I'm in my 70s" you sort of joke to yourself hearing your joints crack when you crouched down.

Once you were crouched down you used your feathers to gently lean him forward onto your back then gently positioned him to where his arms were rested over your shoulder before picking him up piggy back style with the help of your feathers.

Part way, just wanting to tease you a bit Keigo pretended to twitch his wings causing them to slightly hit you and enclose you in them as they drooped around you, "damn it Keigo" you murmured with an annoyed looked as you looked over your shoulder and pushed his wings away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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