Chapter 1 : shameless intruder

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You let out a sigh, plopping on your small couch.

Another exhausting day at work.

At least you got out fairly early...

If you could call 7:30pm early...

You lazily grabbed the TV remote and put on a random program to drown the silence your lonely apartment was always plunged in.

You mustered all the strength you had to get up on your feet and walk to the kitchen, getting out a pan as well as a chicken breast and a few vegetables from the fridge.

You roughly cut the ingredients, shoving them in the pan as you started carving your chicken in a bowl.

As your food slowly cooked, you walked to the bathroom, bending over the sink and splashing some cold water on your face to wake yourself up.


You straightened up, startled at the sudden noise.

That couldn't be normal...

It came from the kitchen.

Slightly worried, you quickly found a weapon, brandishing your toothbrush in front of you and cautiously peeking outside the room, unrealistic scenarios zooming through your mind.

What if the vegetables had grown legs and were seeking vengeance after you had ruthlessly chopped them into pieces...

Or maybe your furniture was possessed by the spirits of the angry forest and was out to get you.

No. That couldn't be it...

It was definitely the vegetables.

"HEY! That's my chicken!"

The head of the small animal intruder perked up, mouth full of meat. It eyed you up and down before diving again in the bowl.

"I said it's mine! Stop eating my food! Shoo!"

The white cat that had broken into your apartment stood unbothered over the chicken, eating chunks of it, completely indifferent to your bewildered state.

You stepped closer to it, making big gestures with your threatening toothbrush to scare it away...

...But it couldn't care less.

"Come on! Leave!"

You tried to nudge it away from the food, before finally picking it up and getting it off the kitchen counter.

You were about to walk to the door to kick the trespasser out of your home, but it had other plans.

The white cat lunged out of your arms, jumping back on the kitchen counter and planting its teeth in your chicken yet again.

"I told you to leave my chicken alone!" you muttered furiously to yourself as you slowly approached the perseverant criminal, trying to discretely get closer to it.

Seeing you were holding out your arms to grab him once again from the corner of its eyes, it took the whole chicken in its mouth (or rather what was left of it) before running off into your living room and jumping out the window.

"Come back here you thief!!" You screamed, throwing your fist into the air as you watched the impudent hooligan run away from your window.

You sighed, dropping on the floor in defeat, head hung low.

This was in vain.

You'd have to stick with veggies for tonight.

As you poured the small amount of food that was left intact from the attack in a plate, you wondered where that cat even came from. You never saw it in the neighborhood, and it didn't look like it had an owner, so slim that it was.

Where the hell did it come from?

And how dare he steal your precious, hard earned dinner!

Tis finally the arrival of the first chapter!
Do tell what you thought bout it!!!

Kinda short but stick around for more 😝

Don't be a silent reader!! I'd love to hear from you! Don't hesitate to leave comments!

Luv u and thx for readin💜

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