🌻Chapter 11

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When he reached the boarding house, Gulf went straight to his room and he fell into his bed.

So much had happened today.

He had worked hard all day at school then gone straight to his job at the pub. That alone would have worn him out. But in the deepest part of the night, he had witnessed first the very lowest and then the very highest levels of London Society.

And Brenda was dead.

Their parting had been so sudden that he couldn't process it all.

He couldn't even visit her grave because he didn't know where it was. And he never wanted to go back to her apartment again.

When he shut his eyes, an image of Mew's handsome face floated up in his mind.

If all he had known was Mew's appearance, the man would have been perfect. And he was a real aristocrat. Meeting him would be good for a story when Gulf went back home.

'Though I'll probably never see him again,' Gulf thought.


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