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Better Love ~ Hozier (*)

**Highly recommend playing the attached song when the symbol pops up. If you don't then that entire part is completely pointless. It also just makes it way better. Trust me.

Rayne ~~

"I'll come find you if I see them. You do the same." Harry whispers to me just before we all four split ways on the main floor.

As I walk to the spot of the bar I originally planned to go to, I realize that my thoughts are going a mile a minute.

I need to calm down and focus. For some reason, though, after leaving that room with three guys who haven't necessarily been the sweetest creatures, my mind seems to not want to lock in on the objective.

I know the plan already like the back of my hand. So that's not the issue. The issue is that I planned to do this alone, yet here I am working with these dickheads. And I never work with anyone besides Arden. But times change I guess.

And it's not like I can change anything now. That would just screw us all over and I wouldn't do that. I also can't lie to myself and say that us working together isn't going to help me out big time. The only thing I failed to mention was who's going to bring the targets home after we get them.

Will I bring them back to the warehouse? Or will Harry, Tate, and Garrett bring them back to Aerial? Who fucking knows.

I lean against the bar top and order a glass of whiskey. It takes less than a minute for the bartender to get it to me, and I chug it down immediately.

Lord I needed that.

I ask for another and then turn around to find the guys. I spot Garrett first, leaning against the wall and talking to a group of women who look like they want to tear him to shreds.

He's actually a real funny guy, even when he was choking me against a wall.

I keep looking around and spot Tate talking to who I assume are the guys he told us knew the targets.

Next I see Harry down the opposite end of the bar I'm on, and when I spot him his eyes are already on me. He gives me a vivid nod before gulping down his own drink and then starts talking to a random man.

I still haven't seen any sign of the targets, and none of the guys have given any kind of sign that they have either.

I'm starting to get very frustrated. If they don't show up for some reason then we'll have to come up with a whole new plan on top of figuring out where the hell they are.

They'll be here, they have to be.

A few minutes later with still no trace of the targets faces, I hear the sound of someone speaking over a mic loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And now, the traditional ball room dance will be taking place in the middle of the floor. Couples, friends, even family members, make your way to the center in pairs and prepare yourselves for a dance." The prestige sounding voice finishes speaking, and I silently applaud myself.

I knew I was right. There is no masquerade ball without a dance. And now I can see if the targets have been hiding this whole time. Now I can actually do something fun. But I have to wait until I can see them or I'd be flaunting my shit for nothing. Hopefully they decide to come out now with everyone dancing.

My eyes are still on the people gathering in the middle of the floor when I feel a hand land on my shoulder.

I turn and see Harry with his hand out in between us. I look up at him and raise my eyebrows.

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