Zero to Hero Part 2

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10 years has passed since Bell joined Ouranos. Bell is now 15 years old, during that time he manage to stop petty invasions from outside cities, he also managed to stop the invasion of Evilus with the help of the Astraea Familia and Fels. Bell also helped out the Vidar familia. Bell grew close to Ouranos and Fels, Ouranos was like a grandpa to Bell. Fels was like the boy's guardian. Ouranos had decided to call the Astraea, Loki, Ganesha, Freya Familia for a meeting. A meeting that would change the future of Orario.

Ouranos POV
I have called the Astraea, Loki, Ganesha and Freya Familia for a meeting. Fels is currently waiting outside for our guest to arrive, and Bell, I'm guessing he's still sleeping. He did stay up late protecting Orario again...that boy he needs to learn how to rest.

"Lord Ouranos, our guest have arrived" A voiced called out

"Very well, thank you Fels, you may continue on your day until I need your assistance" Ouranos said. Fels did a small bow before disappearing into nothingness. The 4 familia's walked in and were signaled to sit down on the chairs.

The Loki familia consisted of Finn Deimne, Riveria Ljos Alf, Gareth Landrock, Ais Wallenstein, Tione and Tiona Hiryute, Bete Loga, Lefiya Viridis and of course their goddess, Loki

The Ganesha familia consisted of this it god, Ganesha and Shakti Varma

The Astraea Familia consisted of Alise Lovell, Gojouno Kaguya, Ryuu Lion and their goddess, Astraea

The Freya Familia consisted of Ottar, Allen Fromel, Hogni Ragnar and their goddess, Freya

"So Ouranos why did you call us to see you in person?" Loki asked, "you never call us unless it's something important"

"Yes, it requires our upmost attention" Ouranos said, "but before we continue do you have any other questions? If so you are free to speak." Everyone said no, if it was an important meeting then they must see save their questions for last

"Very well then, the reason I have called you here is because we must complete the dungeon" Ouranos said. Everyone was shocked, it was something unheard of just how long was the dungeon?

"That's impossible!" Loki shouted out with some of her familia members nodding

"I must agree with Loki on this one" Astraea said wile Ganesha was agreeing

"Why must we complete the dungeon?" Freya asked

"You see, at the bottom of the dungeon lies something sinister, we must take it out before it has the chance to grow more" Ouranos said

"Look Ouranos I don't mean to be rude" Loki said "but how exactly will you contribute to this?"

"I am sending 1 of my members" Ouranos said

"Wait 1?! Since when did you have a familia!" Loki blurted out while many others had a shocked expression on their face

"For your information, I have 2 members" Ouranos said

"Now onto the important details, this monster in the bottom is-" Ouranos said before being cut off by a door slam. Everyone looked to see a white haired and red eyed teen, he was walking around shirtless and half asleep

"Good morning gramps" The teen said while yawning and rubbing his eyes

"Bell, you slept in again, it's not morning" Ouranos said, "you need to stop staying up late"

"But I can't, I'm finally able to help people. By the way what time is it?" Bell asked

"It's about noon. You should get something to eat" Ouranos said

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