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Tharn: shit ...I came here at night without telling Ema ....she will think that I am again ignoring her....

Type: P'Tharn mom is here...shit....she will think we came here together and doing this behind your wife's back....she will definitely shout...phi please do something...

Tharn and type wear their clothes and get up tharn asked Type to open the door...

Ema: Type why are you here...are you okay....??

Nigel: Type I was so worried ...what happen why did you come here alone....

Type gulped ....actually Mom I am not....type words hanged in between when he saw Tharn behind Ema....

How can he come from the door when he is with me ....

Tharn: What happened Ema, Nigel, and Type why you guys are here??

And Type didn't I asked you to stay at the mansion ...why did you come here....

Type: first hesitated but he gets an idea...Type said...actually I have a habit of sleeping alone in my room...so I came here ..I was not able to sleep...

Ema: and where were you..??

Tharn: I went for jogging....I am going to take bath please prepare my breakfast....and Type if you want something or you have any issues tell me instead of coming here alone or taking any tension....

Type was shocked after listening to Tharn's lie...yeah P'Tharn....

All came back to the mansion Nigel and Ema preparing breakfast and Type and Tharn went to take bath.....

Type heard a knock on the washroom door...he thought Nigel came to ask something...he opened the door and saw Tharn....

Type: Phi what are you doing here....tharn entered in the washroom....

Phi....someone will come...Type put a towel on his waist...phi go ...

Tharn: No, I miss you...

Type: Liar...

Tharn: You look so cute when you say liar...baby ....please let me bathe with you...

Type: What if your wife or my mom see you here...

Tharn: They are cooking and I asked them to make different foods they will be busy for some time...

Type: Evil phi...

Tharn: can I suck these red cherries....

Type: phi don't be naughty just take bath and go...and tell me why you want to bathe with me...

Tharn: coz I love to touch you and I wanted to be with you...tharn open the shower head and get him and Type wet....tharn took shower gel and started rubbing Type's back with loofah....

Type: Phi...did you jump from the window...

Tharn: yes and I got hurt my ankle too...

Type: Aww now you okay...

Tharn: Yes baby I am fine ....it hurt just for some time....tharn put his hands on Type's waist and started rubbing his stomach and chest....baby remove this towel let me clean you there too...

Type: Shia you are bad man phi...I will do it myself no need you to do it...

Tharn: oh baby it's not right to be dirty....and those parts belong to me I use them so I wanted to clean my area common remove it...

MOTHER OF MY BABY (Mpreg)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now