Chapter 49: A Trip To Asgard

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2nd Person POV

The four of you awoke inside the ship. Apparently you'd passed out during the trip through the wormhole. To your surprise, Asgard was literally just around the corner. Or in this case, above you.

Thor accelerated upwards, causing the Commodore to burst up and over the rainbow bridge. The place looked deserted from the skies, and it was on fire, too. It made the place seem unimpressive in a way.

"Thor, your kingdom is kind of on fire." You pointed out. Smoke was visibly rising in the distance, making you wonder just how much damage could've been caused in such little time.

"In the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." Valkyrie looked over a hologram of the mountain. Multiple small red dots were inside the peak.

"I'll jump out at the palace. I can draw her attention and but the people time to escape." Thor said sternly. It sounded like a stupid plan, but it made Thor seem quite mature. Well, you'd expect so. He's a God after all.

"You're gonna get yourself killed." You told him in a musical voice.

"Probably gonna get myself killed." Thor agreed with you. A small feeling of concern hit you, but you ignored it. Thor was strong. He would survive. Maybe...

"While I'm dealing with Hela, you three need to get everyone off Asgard." Thor informed you all, keeping his eyes on the palace.

"Oh, just let me grab my magic bag to put them all in." You started patting your pockets in a joking manner, not seeing how the hell you were supposed to do that. "Oh, wait. I forgot. I don't have one of those. How do you expect us to get them away?" You narrowed your eyes at him, eliciting a roll of his.

"I have a man on the ground." Thor stated, making you even more confused. You turned to look at Bruce. He seemed equally confused as to what Thor was talking about.

"Bruce, I think I hate my life." You whined to him, seeing him react awkwardly by looking down at his hands.

"I dunno, man. I think 'hate' is a strong word." Bruce responded quietly. The ship began to slow down as it reached the palace. It only took a minute or so before the Commodore was lowered down onto an outer platform.

Thor moved down the walkway, making his way to the armoury to quote, "grab a gun for the leisure craft". Definitely something you'd put in a quote book. Once he returned, he set up the large gun in the middle of the ship, passing a Valkyrie suit to the woman before leaving again to draw out Hela.

As you, Bruce, and Valkyrie took off towards the Bifrost again, you couldn't help but notice a familiar scent in the air. You looked around you as if that would help you recognise it, which caught the attention of Bruce.

"What are you doing?" Bruce asked, noticing you sniffing the air. Your mind clicked as you knew what it was.

"Wolf." You stated, being able to recognise the creature from afar with ease.

You dove from the ship, landing between the Asgardians and Skurge. There were looks of relief from one side, while there was a look of nervousness one the other.

Not having any weapons besides your claws made you feel metaphorically nude. Not literally, your clothing was keeping you very warm. You extended your claws, yet again having to make do with them until you got back to Earth.

The Cosmo Wolf: (Avengers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now