Chapter Twenty-Four: Sorry

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" When did you get back anyways?" Calum asked, sitting back on his chair. Folding his leg over one another.

" Around thirty minutes ago!"

" And why didnt you get us?" Xavier asked.

" Sorry, next time I'll come up with a pan and spoon. Hitting you all awake as I sing wonderful songs, how does that sound?" Smirking towards them.

" On seconds thoughts, your a very smart women" Tyler laughs, sending me a thumbs up. Rolling my eyes slightly.

Red comes running towards me, sitting sensibly looking up towards me.

" Here you go boy!" Chucking some tea biscuits towards him. As he munched on them rather quickly..

I really need to order some dog food for the poor thing. Eating human foods arent going to cut it for much longer, as he runs over towards his water bowl.

Matthew's had left early around 5ish apparently, why he wasnt in reception instead of that bratty no good lit- girl was beyond me.

But he had some paper work that he didnt finnish the night before so he left early..

" So, did you help your brother?" Dante questioned. Swinging my legs off of the counter that I hadn't left since the conversation with Key.

Yes his parents named him Key... dont ask..

" Yep!" Walking around the kitchen, grabbing a cold water bottle from the fridge. The boys sat on the sofa with two pancakes each. Tom made them, being the only other person other then Matthew's and Cashe that could actually cook..

" And that was?" They really were pushing it now. They definitely knew something was up. No doubt about it...

" Just stuff you know!" Looking through into the living room.

" Stuff?" Tom questioned. His voice sounding unsure.

" Yep" Popping the 'P'

" Stuff, so shall we go. I really dont want to be late." Key will be proud!

" Sure" The group of boys layed out on the sofa stood up. Looks of uncertainty covering their faces.

They clearly wanted to ask more, clearly finding something suspicious. But they have no evidence to accuse me of lying, so of course they couldnt say anything..

Grabbing my bag from the coffee table.
Let's just hope that I end back in Matthew's office again, I need to end this mission sooner then I thought..

I cant really stay here whilst I'm practically being hunted down...


" You know, doing that was extremely uncalled for.." Water dripping down my face as my now black hat was wet..

My favriout black hat that is!

" Hey, you started it. You shouldn't of come after me" Trixi grabbing another water balloon. Aiming it towards me.

Currently it is break and I suprisingly have not been sent to Mr. Principles office yet.

It suprised me too, dont worry!

As I was walking down to the cafeteria, i spotted a bucket of water balloons. And eventhough it isnt the warmest.

I just couldnt resist. It wasnt my fault a group of boys left them there whilst they went inside to eat.

If you snooze, you obviously lose.

" And your going to stop me how?" Giggling to herself as she stands with her arms ready to throw.

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