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"Hyung!" Sicheng called Ten, his mother is meeting a friend today so he had to bring Sicheng with him in the university.

"You behave at Mr. Lee's office or else I'll disown you" Ten sounded like a mother when he said that, yes, he already talked to Taeyong about this ans the older agreed.

"Good morning baby" Ten was shook as someone grabbed him by his waist, Johnny "I missed you" Johnny pouted.

"Gosh, my mother only borrowed Ten hyung for a day, and yoy already missed him, how whipped can you get? Johnny...uhh..hyung?" Sicheng said.

"I miss him every second" Johnny said and smirked, making Ten snort out of his cheesyness.

"I missed you too, let's go drop him at Mr. Lee's office, he will waty there for now" Ten said as they proceeded to walk, still with Johnny's hand aroung his waist.


"Oh, you must be Sicheng!" Taeyong happily greeted the boy and said his good mornings to Ten and Johnny.

"Yes, sir" Sicher answered.

"You two can go to your classes now, I can take care of him" Taeyong said and gestured his hands as signal for Ten an Johnny to go.

"Thank you sir, you, Sicheng, don't cause trouble" Ten said and finally went out with Johnny.


Sicheng is now alone at the office, Mr. Lee is on a meeting, he texted Ten but sadly, his brother is currently in class.

He stayed silent. until the door opened.

"Mr. L- Who are you!?" Sicheng yelled in shock, as a tall, cute, long hair, beautiful eyes, and Japanese boy entered the office.

"Oh, sorry for startling you, pretty boy" The student smirked, Sicheng blushed because of the nickname, and looked away in embarasmment "I'm Yuta Nakamoto" He said, and offered his hand for a hand shake.

Sicheng slowly turned to look at him and aaccepted the hand shake "S-sicheng" He said, mentally cursing because of stuttering.

"Uhmm, my hands?" Yuta chuckled as Sicheng is still holding his hands. Sicheng immidiately let go and blushed "Hey cutie, you new here?"

"I have a name!" Sicheng whined like a baby, Yuta just chuckled at his reaction "I'm not studying here, I'm studying at Thailand, a pre-college student"(A/N: GRADE 12 STUDENT)

Yuta took his sit and looked at Sicheng, admiring the younger's beautiful face "Why are you here?" Yuta asked.

"Ten Lee is my brother, my Mother has a friendly date todat so I habe to come with my brother, the principal let me stay here" Sicheng explained, fiddling with his fingers as he's too shy to look at the handsome boy in front of him.

"Oh, Johnny's boyfriend? Johnny is my friend, and I'm quite close to Ten, we talk sometimes" Yuta said, woth a slight shocked tone. Sicheng looked uo, eyes widened and mouth O-ed.

"Ten hyung talks to you and you're a friend of Johnny hyung? Then... uhmm, c-can y-you be m-"

"Are you asking Yuta to be your boyfriend?!" Ten yelled as he barge inside the office, while Johnny behind, trying to calm him down.

"What? No! I'm asking if he can be my friend, w-well, he's friends with you too.." Sicheng said, and looked at Yuta giving the older a shy smile.

"Hey Ten, can I court your brother?" Yuta asked, without any brake, without any hesitation, talk about confidence.

"He's not evem in college! What're you thinking!" Ten snapped.

"Babe, you look so cute when you're angry, let them be friends, and you, Nakamoto Yuta, stop flirting Sicheng. you're creepy" Johnny said, and pinched Ten's cheeks.

Sicheng stood up "C-court?"

"Sicheng!" Ten yelled.

"Hyung, I-I-"

"I'm not angry, I'm EXCITED TO TELL MOM HOW FLUSTERED YOU ARE!" Ten then bursted laughing after he said that, leaving the three in a confised face "But, court me and mom first before you court my brother" Ten said.

"Love at first sight, is trendy nowadays" Johnny mumbled but Sicheng and Ten heard it.

"Blame my parents for making us look too good, for you guys to fall easily" Ten said teasingly.

"Hyung!" Sicheng yelled, running towards Ten and grabbed him, they went outside and talked "He's so handsome!" Yuta sqeaked.

"How whipped can you get? Sicheng?" Ten said, mocking Sicheng's tone from earlier.

"Shut up,,,but please don't go too hard on him, he seems like a nice guy" Sicheng said, blushing.

"I won't, and yes he's nice, but he has to work hard for your yes, just like Johnny" Ten said, and ruffled tge younger's hair.


"Your disease is getting worse Jaehyun"


to be continued...

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