八 | You got hurt because of me

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never wither

Kuina could barely stand on her own with the pain gnawing at her bones

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Kuina could barely stand on her own with the pain gnawing at her bones. And at first, when they started straying into the woods, Itachi seemed to be fine, and she was able to hold onto him for support. But then half way through their agonising walk, he suddenly coughed out blood and lost his strength.

She instantly panicked. Adrenaline coursed through her as a sudden new found strength overcame her. And somehow, she was able to drag them both along the muddy track and found a cave that looked habitable. She sniffled as they both staggered inside.

She helped Itachi to sit down by the cave wall. Her breathing laboured as she, too, slumped down onto her knees, all the fire from her panic disappeared. She panted hard as she glanced over at Itachi.

He still looked as regal as before, but his complexion was drained. He held a barren calmness on his face as he wiped the blood away from his cheek with his fingers. Within the shadow of the cave, he looked like a statue carved perfectly out of a stone.

He clutched onto the severe wound by his shoulder, subtle pain lingered in his eyes and Kuina's heart quenched. It was her fault he had gotten hurt. If only she had dodged that stupid kunai, then he wouldn't need to take a blow for her. And at that moment, she didn't know whether she should thank herself or curse herself for being the Fragrance.

Itachi had always been powerful and formidable from what she saw throughout his life. He also looked strong and he acted strong, but before her now, he appeared almost vulnerable.

She sniffled as she felt tears stinging her eyes. "Sorry," she murmured, breaking the silence in between them.

He glanced over at her briefly before casting his gaze away. "For what?"

"You got hurt because of me," she muttered, clenching her fists as she tried to hold in her tears.

He said nothing to it, but because of her words, subtle exasperation filled his face. He ran his hand into his wet hair, combing it back as he began removing his soaked Akatsuki cloak. He made a quick hand sign and lit a fire in the middle of the cramped cave. The flickering flame lit up the small space, dancing softly as the breeze from the outside blew in.

He laid the cloak to dry, before taking off his blood-stained shirt, revealing his ripped muscles and the deep wound by his shoulder.

Kuina's eyes widened and she felt nauseated just at the sight of the bloody gash. His jaw clenched and his gaze darkened as he clutched onto the wound, trying to stop the blood flow.

"I-Itachi," she breathed, her voice barely audible. "Why did you have to take that blow? Just because I'm the Fragrance—"

"Just be quiet," he spoke, his voice scraping out of his throat. "Instead of crying about it, help me treat my wound."

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