Chapter 14 - Who Am I?

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Chapter 14 - Who Am I?

This chapter was really hard to write, for some unknown reason, so sorry if it is bad. I just found it quite hard to get the personality of all the chapters right.

Clint's POV

The elevator doors open to a surprising sight: a gobsmacked Steve and a sad assassin.

Perseus is staring out of window, over the endless skyscrapers and onto to sea beyond, with a single tear running down his cheek. While Steve is completely out of it looking at Perseus with shock, fear and ... admiration. I can't understand it.

How does he look at Perseus like that? Doesn't he know what he has done? How many he has killed? How does he look at him with awe? What did Perseus say to him to make a soldier who has seen everything speechless?

I slowly step into the room keeping a close on both Steve and Perseus, unsure of what my next move should be.

"Soo...." I ask, "what's for dinner?"

Just then Tony bursts out of the elevator and shouts obliviously, "Where's the Pizza?" Just like him, blind to any situation that doesn't involve himself.

I hear Steve reply, "It should be hear any minute." His eyes are still on Perseus but he seems to have regained some of his composure. Perseus turns around and says, "You know I haven't had pizza in over 9 months."

"How is that possible?" Asks Tony, "We practically live on pizza here."

"I was preoccupied with other things," states Perseus, as his face seems to stiffen. I remember what Natasha said early about how everyone has a story and start to wonder what this kids is.

I stare at the kid then at Tony and Steve, they all have the same pain in their eyes, I realised. The pain of war. The memories it leaves behind.

Just then Natasha comes out the lift holding 5 pizza boxes, with Thor on her heels trying to steal a slice.

I sigh and walk over to the counter top, preparing to grab a slice before it all gets stolen my the pizza mad Tony and Thor.

~~Time Skip 20 minutes~~

Percy POV

I lie down on the couch, with one hand on my stomach. Boy, that pizza was good.

I realise the room around me is slowly getting quieter so I look up, and see the team staring at me. No, not at me, into me. They want to know me, who I am? Why I am here? What I have done?

They want my story. Can I trust them enough to give it? Do I even know who I am anymore?

I need to trust them. I need them to trust me. I can't go like I did. I can't go back to being that man. That killer. Me.

But, I barely know these people. I mean, I told Steve because he has the same look in his eyes that I see staring back at me in the mirror. He knows the pain of war. The pain of lost. The pain of memories. The never forgiving memories.

I stand up and sigh. "I know you want to know who I am." A smile appears on some of their faces. "I'll tell you my story, then you can decide for yourself, as for why I am here listen and that will become clear."

I look at their eager, even Steve's though he knows what I did.

"I think I will have to begin at the start. One thing before we begin, it's all true - you may doubt it or call me a lier but it's all true." Wonder dawns on their faces so I start. I finally tell my story. I hope I will never have to repeat it again.

"It all started when I was twelve years olds with an interesting field trip, to say the least ...."

~~Several Hours Later~~

" ... And that's why I am here. Fury can't have me anywhere else and I need to make emends or at least try."

Hundreds of emotions pass through their face faces in a number of seconds. Wonder. Disbelief. Fear. Horror. Trust. Skepticism. Marvel. Amazement and countless others.

I ask them, "So who I am? A murderer? A hero? A monster? A kid? A villain? A leader? A criminal?" I turn away towards the window as a tear slips passed my defences, "Who am I?" I whisper quietly to myself.

"Someone who lost the path but managed to find it again," Steve's voice says from the couch. I turn and see them all sitting there, nodding their heads in agreement, but their eyes still held disbelief.

I smile, a cheap false smile and say, "I'll show you in the morning but now it's time for bed." With that I step into the elevator, believing for the first time since I lost everything, I might have found something to care for again.

I might of found hope.

Sooo, how was it??

I really hate this chapter. For some reason it was really hard to get what I was thinking down on the page.

Sorry it's so short but the next chapter is hopefully going to be longer.

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