Chapter six

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That night, Naida has trouble falling asleep. She lays on her sleeping bag, exhausted from their travels and adventures, but she still can't sleep. She worries that tomorrow the mission will be another failure, and they won't be able to save the Elves from imminent destruction. 

She wears a rustling of bushes. She cocks her head up, and rests on her knees. It's hard to see because they can't light a fire, but she knows it's Grey. She sees him bend over, and tap Kova on the foot. He points behind him with his thumb. She stands, and walks to where Grey had been. He lays down on his sleeping bag,  clearly tired. Naida thought about going over and talking to him, but she took to long to decide, and he was now snoring. She stands up to go talk to Kova. 

"Kova?" She whispered. Suddenly she's pressed against a tree, her mouth covered by a calloused hand. Kova holds a finger up to her lips, telling her to be quiet. Naida nods, and she is released. Kova takes a knife out of both her boots, handing one to Naida.

"Someone's here" Kova mouths to Naida. Naida's eyes widen slightly, she wraps her hand firmly around the blade, ready to attack any threats. She hears noises in the bush, and a scream. It came from the camp. Kova and Naida immediately began running. When they made it back, they couldn't believe their eyes, Dragons. The Dragons were setting fire to all their surroundings, Grey, Suri and Erik stood, swords at the ready. Naida gasps, and knows what she has to do. She changes. Her body changes from tan skin, to green scales, and her back sprouts wings. 

"Stop!" Grey yells, climbing onto Naidas green, scaly back. The dragons see Kova standing on Naida, and change, morphing back into their human state, but Naida doesn't. "They are our prisoners. We are traveling to sell them, but they are of no value if they are harmed." She says, louder and calmer than Nadia would have said them.

"You are no dragon." Says one of them. Naida recognizes it as Damien. Naida moves, letting Grey get off, before morphing. "You let this elf speak for you?" Damien yells. Naida makes sure her ears are covered before speaking.

"He is my rider. Do not speak to him that way." Naida says firmly. Damien clearly recognizes Naida because his eyes widen and his expression softens.

"An elf? You chose an elf to be your rider?" One of the others asks in a condescending way.

"I have no issue with the elves. Just because they are not like us does not mean they are to be treated like scum." She pauses "You will do well not to bother me or my affiliates again."

They begin to disperse, but Damien comes straight toward them.

"Elves? I can't believe you fraternize with these lowlifes. I can't believe a dragon would stoop so low, as to have an elf be it's rider." Naida curls her hair behind her pointed ears, allowing him to see them. She looks him straight in the eyes, not backing down.

"Say it again, I dare you." He doesn't move. Just stands, staring at her ears. He shifts his gaze to her eyes. Her eyes show strength, confidence, determination. He takes a step back, before turning around and walking in the other direction. Naida feels her eyes start to water, she blinks a few times, trying to stop tears. Is that really what dragons think of them? She turns around, and walks into the trees, using her powers to lift her out of anyone's reach. She sits on a branch and sobs. They don't make noise, but the tears just flow from her eyes. The tears don't stop until the sun comes up. She wipes her face, trying to get rid of the water that was on her face moments before. She knew her eyes were red, and puffy, so there was no hiding the fact that she had been crying, but, she didn't really care. She used her powers to get out of the tree, she walked back to the campsite. The second that they saw Naida, the whole group came toward her, causing her to take a step back, almost tripping, she was encased in a hug that lasted for nearly five whole minutes.

"Are you okay?" Grey whispers. Naida nods.

"You guys ready?" Naida asks, her voice sounds scratchy

"Are you sure? We can do this tomorrow if you want." Grey says, his voice had an inkling of concern.

"Yeah, I'm sure, let's just get this over with." Naida responds, her voice back to normal now. The group nodded, and picked up their stuff. 

"Hoods up!" Grey calls. We all put our hoods on in unison, and began to make our way to the tall, stone castle.

As they walk through the village, the crowds seem to separate, allowing the group to get by. It reminded Naida of magnets with opposite reactions. They walk until they reach the guards that stand by a gate.

"State your names and your business." One of the guards commanded. His voice sounded smooth, and clear. If they weren't in this situation, she would have found it relaxing.

"I am Naida Eildrim. Daughter of king Eildrim. I have come to take claim of the throne." The guards stern face fell into a large grin. He started laughing, which looked...odd.

"Did you hear what she just said?" He asked the other guard, who shook his head "She said she was the daughter of king Eildrim. They both laughed.

"Good one."

"How stupid do you think we are? King Eildrim never had a child." He said, trying to suppress his chuckles.

"I am the princess." She said sternly.

"Yeah, and I'm actually king Eildrim." He said, chuckling again. "Run along now kids." He said trying not to smile. The group turned to walk, but Naida planted her feet.

"No." She said, glaring, her jaw was set, and her teeth were gritted.

"I don't want to hurt a kid. But if you and your friends don't leave right now, I'm afraid we're gonna have to put you in the dungeons."

"Get your mage." Naida said. Grey was standing next to her again, but the rest of the group was nowhere to be seen. The guards walked toward her aggressively, but she didn't move.

"One more chance, kid."

"Get. Your. Mage." She said, raising her eyebrows mischievously. The guard grabbed her wrist, and pulled her toward the castle, and she didn't resist. She just walked behind him. The second guard grabbed Grey's wrist, and pulled him along, leaving the gate unoccupied. 

The guards dragged her and Grey down six hallways, and down one flight of very, very long stairs. They threw them down onto hard stone. Grey and Naida both knelt on the cold surface, neither of them looking back to the guards. They heard the sound of a metal door close, and they turned to look at eachother.

"Are you okay?" Grey asked Naida frantically. She smiled. And Grey was taken aback.


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