Episode 29.

22 2 0

Man : Hey, pretty. what are you doing here? [playing with Y/N' hair]

Man2 : Let's join us

Y/N : [scared] I don't want. Who are you?


Man2 : [wanna touch Y/N's face]

Xiaojun : [prevents him from touching Y/N's face]

Y/N : [shocked]

Xiaojun : [hold Y/N's hand] She's mine. Don't touch my girl.

Y/N : [her eyes widened]

Xiaojun : Let's go. I won't eat here.

Y/N : [nodding]

...in the car

Y/N : Xiaojun?

Xiaojun : Yaa?

Y/N : You won't let go of my hand?

Xiaojun : It's dangerous

Y/N : [she wanna laugh] but..we in the car. It's not dangerous.

Xiaojun : How do you know? It's dangerous everywhere.

Y/N : take advantage [whisper]

Xiaojun : What did you say?

Y/N : Um? Ah..nothing.

Xiaojun : ...

Y/N : You don't need to buy me a food. I'm okay.

Xiaojun : No. She believes me [drive his car while holding Y/N's hand]

Y/N : ...

A few minutes later..

Xiaojun : We're here.

Y/N : This is restaurant? This is someone's house?

Xiaojun : Believe me. Let's go.

They enter the house.

Hendery : What made you take time so long?

Xiaojun : What's wrong?

Haechan : She bring a girl here.

Yejin : Y/N? [smile]

Lucas : [look at Yejin, not Y/N. He smile]

Y/N : Yejin? Why are you here?

Yejin : [smile] He's my brother right? Come here. Sit beside me.

Y/N : [nodding. Go to Yejin]

Yejin : You feel awkward? [whisper]

Xiaojun : [sit next to Y/N] It's fine. I'm here.

Yejin : [look at them. Then, smile. She hurt actually. She want a relationship like their relationship]

Jiwon : Lucas [hold Lucas's hand. Sit beside him]

Y/N : [shocked] What is she doing here?

Jiwon : Y/N?!

Y/N : [smirk. Stand] WHAT- ARE- YOU- DOING HERE?!

Xiaojun and Lucas widened

Jeno : What's wrong with them?

Jisung : ...

Renjun : They look scary.

Mark : Yes, they are.

Y/N : [smirk]

Jiwon : [hold  Lucas's hand] Help me, Lucas. He wants revenge.

Xiaojun : I..

Yejin : What is she doing? Uh... she annoyed me. Hey, Jiwon.

Jiwon : What you want?!!

Yejin : You're the one who start the war.

Jiwon : Are you crazy?

Y/N : She's not crazy. What she said is the truth.

Jiwon : Lucas. Please believe me. It's not me. They start the fight.

Lucas : ...

Xiaojun : Y/N. Relax.

Y/N : How?

Yejin : Dejun. It's not the time to relax. You see what happened. SHE..

Lucas : YEJIN! Stop! You wanna say something bad about her?! [sigh] Ah..I can't believe this is the real Yejin.

Jiwon : [smirk]

Taeyong : Relax guys.

Y/N : [look at Lucas] Hey. It's not Yejin's fault.

Jaehyun : Why did Jiwon smirk? This is like a drama. I think Jiwon is the bad character.

Sungchan : ..

Jungwoo : Are you kidding me, Jae?

Jaehyun : What-

Xiaojun : Can you stop fighting?

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