Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something not quite right

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Shelby Matthew's:

Seeing her run out of the doors and for the footsteps to slowly fade, one thing overtook my mind.

The photo.

I had a wife, a daughter and I have a son. And just thinking about what happened to my wife and daughter hurts me.

They were all involved in a car crash that only my son survived and it just doesn't make sense.

My boys body was at the scene, my wife's body was at the scene but..... you know what, I cant think of this right now.

Dragging my hand down my face. As the students soon came to none as I walked back towards my office.

Another thought coming to mind.

What's her secret, I mean its plain obvious that it exists but not so plain that we know what it is..

Unless we are all overthinking this and she did actually just go to help her brother and the phone call was her brother, but it still doesnt make sense that Cashe detected a lie..

Pushing the reception door open.

" Sir, you have a call on line 4" One of my receptionists called Daph spoke.

Giving her a questioned look to then receive a small smile. Nobody ever calls on that line, nobody. So who would be using that instead of my usual one?

Heading into my office and closing the door behind me, I switch the lights on.

Making my way to the office chair, I sit and reach over towards the phone.

Clicking a button, I wait.

" Hello, this is Shebly correct?" A deep voice I had never heared before spoke.

" Yes, your correct. What can I do for you?"

" I've come to ask about Octavia!" The deep voice asked, the slight slynes he had made me question what he was trying to get at.

" And who are you to her?"

" Oh, right. I'm her...... uncle" Sounding rather unsure with himself before continuing, however drastically changing.

" If you could tell me what classes she takes would be lovely?" His starky voice sounding strange in my ears as I scoff.

" I'm sorry but that's information I cannot expose, you can call her yourself though!"

" And that number should be?"

" Well, wouldn't you know?" I questioned, this conversation becoming strange. Not like it wasnt at the start but.

" Let just say Im extremely old and a couple days ago we had a fight and she deleted herself from my contacts. My old age doesn't exactly help me remember thing and that's why I want the phone number aswell as her classrooms to either tell her in person" His voice becoming irritated as I could hear the inpatient sighs in the background.

" Sorry, but like I sa-"

" You know what, fuck this. Your so called great student Octavia ha-" The line going dead, as the other end goes silent..

Wait, wasnt he going to tell me something about Octavia, then there must be something going on..

" Daph, do you know the callers number?" I shouted as my door to the office cracks open.

" Sorry sir, there wasnt any. We were assuming it was a pay phone." Slamming my hand onto the table.

" Okay, thank you" Smiling fakely towards her before groaning once the door came to a close.

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