Chapter 16

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Reyna explained her plan to Marie who agreed, but was skeptical, before she left to go change. Helios came out of his hiding place and bounded into the closet. "What're you going to wear out?" He asked.

Helios had been especially interested in clothes since Reyna had explained to him their importance, but in this case she just needed to blend in. "Well, riding pants," She grabbed a pair off the shelf they were folded on, "plain, dark blouse," Reyna chose a blue one, "and a shabby cloak that won't mark me as somebody with money." For the cloak, she had to rummage through her stash that was hidden from unwanted eyes. In the end she went with a black one, choosing camouflage over style.

"That's not very exciting." Helios complained. He was stuck in the rooms, so this was one of his only entertainments of the day.

"Too bad," When he started pouting Reyna added, "And I'm going to need to blend in tonight."

"Right." The dragon immediately perked up. "You sure it will work?"

"I can't be a hundred percent sure, but I'm confident that the people of Aleta will not disappoint." Reyna spoke as she dressed. "While I'm gone, try finding a way to get across the sea, or everything that happens tonight will be in vain, and a civil war could start."

"That's a bit dramatic."

"Dramatic it may be, but that doesn't make it any less of a possibility." Reyna fastened the old cloak around her neck. After a quick look in the mirror she decided that it'd do.

"What's to say a war won't start once we leave?" That was a good question, one that Reyna couldn't answer with absolute certainty.

"I just have a feeling," Helios gave her an incredulous look, "it doesn't make sense I know, but trust me." Reyna took a breath and recited her plan mentally. "Okay, be good, and don't tear my rooms up." After patting his smooth head, Reyna left and locked the door behind her. She sent a silent prayer to gods she didn't believe in, then made her way towards the kitchens.

Guards weren't much of a problem, but Reyna's overprotective aunt would be. She was the one who they'd have to dodge. "What took you so long?" Marie hissed from the shadows.

"Sorry, took awhile to find the right cloak," The lie was easy enough, but it still hurt Reyna that she couldn't tell her best friend the truth. Marie only nodded then led the way towards the servant entrance. Both ladies stuck to the shadows expertly, and they had almost made it without incident when a booming voice came from the kitchens.

"And just where do you two think you're going?" Both held in a wince. Shit.

"Carm," Reyna turned around to greet her aunt, "We were–" She looked to Marie for an explanation. The lady in waiting grabbed Reyna's hand to show off her engagement ring.

"We were going out to celebrate," Marie gestured towards the ring. Carm came in for a closer look and gasped upon realizing it was an engagement ring. "Out in the city. You know how boring celebrations here are, so I wanted to give Reyna a proper–"

"What can I do to help?" Carm interrupted. At first neither girls understood her meaning. "Oh come now, I know one of you has a plan to get that ring off."

The two exchanged glances. "You could spread the word. Get the servants gossiping, and make sure they know that the engagement is to a lord, and that it is not for love." Reyna replied. The more people to know and gossip, the better.

Carm only nodded. "Alright, now off with you two, and be careful."

"We always are."

"Yeah right," Marie scoffed. The princess sent a glare towards her lady in waiting. Carm knew of some of their outings, but not the ones that ended badly.

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