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"You have a lot of nerve still asking to be friends, Diggory."


"Okay, here's what we're not gonna do. You're not gonna sit next to the girl who's fucking boyfriend you stole an hour ago, so I best advise you get your musty ass out of here." Blaise snaps, causing me to choke on my butterbeer.

"Oh calm down hon, I was just coming over here to apologize that it turned out this way for Bella." Veronica says innocently, turning to me.

"I'm very sorry, and I know this must be hard, but at least Cedric is now with the one he loves. Him and I have so much history, you can't honestly be that surprised it turned out like this." She smiles, patting my head before getting up and heading over to the Hufflepuff table.

I watch her take a seat next to Cedric who looks... awful to say the least. Though, to my surprise, he scoots away from her, not even saying a word as she sits down. He honestly looks rather repulsed by her, which is kind of funny if I'm being honest.

I look back down at my food, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna turn in early, 'kay? I'll see you guys tomorrow." I state quickly, getting up from my seat and heading out of the hall without another word.

I don't quite feel like heading to my dorm yet, so I decide to walk to the black lake as it's always been a nice spot to collect my thoughts.

The walk to the lake is nice and peaceful. The moon shines down brightly, allowing me enough light to see my way there, and when I arrive, I notice the moon completely lights up the lake, reflecting off of it brightly.

I take a seat on the grass, tears softly streaming down my face as I remember the conversation that took place here this morning.

"I thought you might be here." I hear Luna's soft voice say a short while later.

I turn around, meeting her gray blue eyes as she makes her way over to me gracefully.

She takes a seat beside me, looking out over the lake.

"Bella, I don't think Cedric loves Veronica." She says simply after a moment.

I turn to her confused.

"What do you mean?"

She sighs.

"It's impossible to fall in love with someone that fast, especially when you're already in love with someone else. I might believe it if it was over a longer period of time, but two months is just too short."

"They have a lot of history though. They dated for almost a year, so he must've had some deep feelings for her before. He said they just resurfaced." I shrug, picking at the grass.

She places her hand softly on mine to stop me.

"I still don't feel like he could love her again to the point of leaving you, when he hadn't even seen her for several months." She softly says.

I look up at her, not entirely sure what she's getting at.

"What do you think is going on then?"

She thinks for a minute.

"Have you considered he may be under a love potion or spell of some sort? Or she could be blackmailing him somehow."

"I've considered that she may have used a love potion, but it would've worn off by now. Besides, he said he gradually started to like her again, and love potions are just all or nothing, depending on the dosage at least," I sigh, "as for blackmail, I have no idea what she could blackmail him with. His record is squeaky clean, at least from what I'm aware of."

Accidentally Dating CedricWhere stories live. Discover now