The Mighty God of Thunder

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Throne room,

A white and golden swirl started in the middle of the room, slowly extending until it was large enough for two people to go through it, side by side. The sound of swords being drawn was loud as the first figure emerged from the white and gold swirl, closely followed by four more.

"Stand down," the booming voice resounded from the throne. A tall, imposing man stood up from his golden throne and calmly made his way down the short flight of stairs to meet the five women standing in front of the now fading swirl. All of them were armed with swords and daggers and looking around like seasoned warriors, undisguisedly assessing their opponent and surroundings.

The guards stepped back, sheathing their swords back in their dark scabbards. Two ravens landed neatly on each of his shoulders, glaring at the women.

"Welcome to Asgard, Shieldmaidens." Odin smiled at them, his good eye crinkling slightly. "To what do I owe the visit?"

The dark-haired woman standing in the middle, the tallest of them all, stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak.


Her mouth closed with an audible click and everyone turned around at the angry-sounding voice. A tall, heavily muscled blond man stormed inside the throne room, his dark blue eyes stormy and his fists clenched at his sides. He looked like he was ready for a fistfight.

Odin sighed. "Thor... I'm in the middle of something. I'm sure we can discuss whatever's troubling you later."

"Troubling me?" The God of Thunder growled, his long, partially braided hair falling on his broad shoulders. "You let him come back!" His fists clenched harder, hard muscles standing out. "Again!"

The ravens took off from Odin's shoulders at the booming shout of the gigantic man, quickly escaping to stand on the throne and watch from a safe distance. The guards surrounding the women took several steps back, but the women remained impassive.

Odin glared at his ravens, his eternal companions, Huginn and Muninn. "Cowards..."

Huginn cawed at him, flapping its wings for emphasis. Odin sighed. He noticed how the blonde woman moved closer to the dark-haired warrior, carefully half-shielding the shorthaired redhead behind her. The other two warriors, a dark-skinned woman, and a strawberry blonde, touched the hilts of their swords, their eyes trained on his enraged son.

"He's not in Asgard," Odin replied softly, knowing why his favorite son was angry.

"No, he's in Midgard!" Thor stomped closer, blue eyes flashing. "He was supposed to be exiled in Muspelheim, where he belongs!"


"You know if he's in Midgard, then he's up to something!" Thor removed his famous hammer from his belt loop and pointed it to his father accusingly. "You knew he's been hiding there, and you did nothing!"

Odin didn't even flinch when the magical hammer hit one of the tall marble columns, shattering it, large chunks of marble flying everywhere.

One of the guards closer to it screamed when he saw a massive chunk flying at him with deadly speed. There was no way he could escape getting smashed by it.

Shaken out of his angry stupor by the guard's scream, Thor cursed under his breath, running as fast as he could to tackle the hapless guard out of the way. Simultaneously, the dark-haired woman moved, sprinting at godly speed to catch the large section of the column. Thor threw himself over the guard, protecting him with his own body, and the tall woman caught the marble piece with both arms, just as it was about fall over both men.

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