🌞Chapter 13🌻

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Mew bought Gulf's ticket when they reached the station.

The subject of the job hasn't come up once during their dinner. Gulf worried that maybe Mew had already found somebody else.

"By the way, that thing you mentioned last tine...I'm willing to try it," he said impulsively as they were about to part.

But maybe the whole thing had been a joke. As a flood of worries rushed through Gulf's mind, Mew embraced him.

"That's wonderful," Mew whispered.

"Uh." Gulf wasn't used to being hugged in public. It was some small comfort that there was no one in the station this late at night. Otherwise, he probably would have shoved Mew away from sheer embarrassment.

"I'm so glad that you're accepting my offer," Mew said. He took off the blue diamond ring from his ring finger. "Take this," he continued, slipping the ring on Gulf's finger solemnly. Then he stooped over and gently placed a kiss on the back of Gulf's hand.

It was like a scene in a play.

Gulf felt his face blushing bright red.

He really would never get used to British humor.

Gulf's phone rang almost the moment he got home. It was Mew.

"Did you make it home all right?" the man inquired.

"Yeah," he replied.

"I'm glad to hear it," Mew said.

After all his time living alone in a foreign country, hearing those words warmed Gulf's heart.

"Would you like to have dinner again tomorrow?" Mew asked.

Gulf accepted the invitation graciously. Tomorrow was friday and, without school the day after, it would be a good opportunity to test his new job.

"I'll leave early from work," he promised.

Besides, Gulf was impatient to hear the details of the job offer, so why would he refuse?


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