Chapter 103

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•Talking about abuse/murders/rape
•Conversation mentioning abortion

If i missed anything, tell me! :>

Slowly, he crept around the corner as he planned his escape. He planned it out all in his head-before he even mugged the poor woman! Through his ski mask, he could see a woman, who didn't exactly look young-but she didn't look any older than mid-thirties, and any younger than twenty four.

It may have seemed stupid for him to be wearing a ski mask-but it really did cover his face better than anything else could have.

He glanced at his wrist, looking at his watch, catching a glimpse of the time. Ten twenty-five pm.

The woman sat her purse down on top of the roof of her car as she got her car filled up with gas.

She looked calm, and he almost felt bad that he was about to ruin her mood.

He snuck over, stepping carefully. He laid eyes on the purse. 'Bingo'

He slowly reached his hand out, grabbed the purse, and ran off quickly.

Hearing the noise, the woman turned around, noticing her purse was missing. She initially panicked, eyes trailing off to see a man with her purse, running off.

She gasped, leaving her car as the gas overfilled and spilled to the ground to chase after him. He was a petty little thief. He didn't even look the slightest bit professional, especially as he ripped his mask off before he was even away from the scene of the crime.

The woman ran as fast as she possibly could, taking her shoe off as she ran, and chucking it to the back of his head, which then plunked off of him on the ground, causing him to trip and fall over it.

"Hey!! Whoo, you're fast-but, uh-" sje began, out of breath, "that's my purse, and I kind of need it, you know single mom, teen, baby on the way-whoo! That run really sent the feet off aching! So, uh, yeah, if I could just get that purse back-" she bent down, (as much as she could, considering that she was pregnant) and grabbed the purse.

The man looked ashamed as he buried his face into his hands.

"Hey-it's fine-well, not really, you shouldn't go around stealing, you could get caught, and go to jail, or get shot or something. But still" she said, trying to offer comfort.

"Oh, you've got a huge scrape on your arm-did that happen when you fell? Yeah, sorry about the shoe" she chuckled, pulling a mini first aid kit out of her purse, and began to clean the wound.

"What-are you doing?" The guy asked, "I literally just tried to rob you" he reminded.

"Yes, well, you didn't. Thankfully, I was wearing the slip on's today" she smiled, bandaging his arm, "done!"

"Lucia, by the way" she said, holding her hand out, still out of breath.

"Alex.." he responded, still a bit confused.

She helped him up, "you know, you don't seem like a bad guy, I mean, if you were an actual bad guy i'd assume that you'd have killed me by now, or at least be armed, but you don't even seem to have a pocket knife on you" she commented.

"Yeah, well, i'm not stealing to be a bad guy, I just- I need to. To get by."

"Yeah, it's hard to get by these days..hey, where do you live? Need a ride?" She asked.

"Oh, I live in a cardboard box next to the subway" he snorted.

She frowned, "Hey, how about you come back to my place-"

"Are you serious? How do you know I won't rob you?!" He exclaimed.

"Trust. We'll get to know each other in the car, come on" she smiled excitedly, turning around to get back to the car.

"Woah, watch out!" Alex yelled as a car sped by, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her close to him.

"Woah, you saved me!" She whispered. "...Woah, I could have died!" She yelled, "thanks!"

"Uh, you're welcome" he said awkwardly.

"Hey, don't be scared, if I saw a homeless poor kid living on the streets trying to take my purse the situation wouldn't be any different, i'd still care, try to find their parents and stuff, except maybe if you were a kid you'd cry or something, no judgement if you were to cry though-"

"But this is different, i'm a grown ass man who should have a steady, stable job, and a good income!"Alex countered.

"Well, I don't have a good job, I work different part time jobs every week, take morning shifts, night shifts, double shifts, triple shifts-my ex husband never worked, well, he said he did, but if you call working going out to a club all night cheating on me with ten girls at once as he spent our income on drinks, then coming home with no money, then sure."

"Jesus Christ, did your ex husband get you pregnant?"

"Yes, multiple times actually, which he always 'self aborted' against my will-well we called it abortion but he didn't suck the kid outta me, he'd beat my stomach till the baby died. He also killed my five year old daughter ten or so years back- he's been confirmed as a serial killer, rapist, among other things since then. Andrew Cloud, you've probably heard of him-"

"Holy hell, HE'S you're ex?!" He gaped.

"Yeah- wow, so much information and we aren't even in the car yet!" She smiled as they finally got to the car, "I wonder what I can find out about you." She smirked as she paid for the gas, thanking someone who stopped it after noticing it overflowed.


"Oh my god!" Roman groaned, waking up. "What the hell happened-" his eyes widened and his mouth went dry. Across the couch from him lay Virgil. The tv was running in the background, the soft lights illuminating the room. He recognized the show as The Office.

"What am I doing here?" Roman whispered.

He screamed as Virgil flinched in his sleep. Patton, who was behind the couch, woke up immediately, as Well as Virgil who was practically ten feet in the air mid-panic attack as he registered the scream-why was someone screaming? Fire? Tsunami? Tornado? TERRORIST ATTACK?!

He looked across from him and saw Roman with a look of complete panic on his face.

Virgil began to calm down, his gaze turning softer, "Ro, did you have another nightmare?" He asked quietly, scooting closer to him, ruffling his hair, "wanna talk, bud?" He asked.

'Bud?' Roman thought in confusion, 'Ro?!'

"Am-am I dreaming?" Roman questioned, as be realized, holy shiz, Virgil just ruffled his damned hair-

"No-Roman, it's been weeks, your head is getting better, are you hallucinating or something?" Patton asked as he began to wake up Remus.

"Weeks? Head? What happened?!" He asked, his face morphing from confusion to fear.

"Oh, god, he's forgetting- Ro, you've been younger for a while, but you haven't been forgetting every day-"

"Younger?! What do you-how young, what?!"

"Roman, you've been like, seven for the past few weeks-not physically, mentally, you're probably still seven-we're trying to get your memories back but the docto-"

"I'm not seven, what the hell?! I'm eighteen-why am I here, I was just in my damned car, What are you doing, Virgil, why is Patton here-what?!"

"We need to go to the Hospital-the doctor said he wouldn't get his memories backs so soon" Remus gawked.

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