I'M SO HAPPY! (Aka Author's Note)

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Clap along if you feel like happiness- NO!! DO. NOT. SING. THAT. SONG.

(Sorry I like Pharrel but NOT THAT SONG. Sorry 'Happy' lovers!!!)


That's AMAZING!!! You guys have no idea how psyched I am.

I never thought that this would happen!

I just wanted to say thank you guys so much! I WANNA HUG ALL OF YOU.

Well... I'm hugging my phone... Does that count?

But seriously (I get off topic a lot sorry guys.), thanks soooo much!

This story got 60 reads in... Uh... Was it one or two days...? Either way, MIND. BLOWN.

I just wanted to say thanks for everything!

And just in case someone hates me for the last update...

I'M SO SORRY I HATED KILLING HER AAAHHHHH!!!! But it wasn't a chapter so don't hate meeeeeeee! I just wanted to post it just because.

I will continue on with chapter 16 WHERE JUNIPER IS STILL ALIVE. But will she be for long? *Cue evil laughter*

Okay but seriously (Again: I get off topic. A lot.), I'm considering having her killed. But if I decide to let her live, I will TRY to write a sequel. But that's up to you guys. Comment or PM me to let me know!

You guys are AMAZING!!!

Until next time! :3

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