Mission 34: Quirk Training and Taken

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I woke up early, as I always did and headed outside to start stretching before my morning routine. I took a second to just take in my surrounding and breathe in the fresh mountain air. I looked over to the other cabins were the others were staying.

I watched as a crow flew away and towards the mountains, I suddenly spun around swinging my fist making contact with the fist coming towards me.

"Looks like you haven't slacked off since you left Hammer or I guess I should call you Tiger now?" I said with a laugh

Tiger:" I see you haven't slacked off either captain! In fact i'm sure you got stronger!" said my old teammate shaking the hand that made contact with mine.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys, you're captains yourselves now?" I said " That aside, its good to see you, but we need to talk. Lets take a walk." He nodded as he followed me into the woods, once we were a good distance from the campsite I started

"So how up to date are you on my current mission?" I asked

Tiger:" I know most of it, at least up until the factory raid."

"Alright, so then you know then that we believe there is a traitor feeding information to that tomura guy. We know who it is, he's here at the camp now."

Tiger:" *sighs* So you're using yourself as bait?" he asked already knowing the answer

"Why are you even asking? You worked for me long enough to know me. I wasn't expecting to run into you guys, I already gave the FNG plans if shit goes south. Will you and your team do me a favor and keep the kids safe?"

Tiger:" You don't even have to ask Arclight, so then when do you expect them to make a move?"

"Probably within the next couple of days, probably during the night. My guess instead of a bunch of cannon fodder and one elite like at USJ, it'd be a strike force of elites. I doubt it'd be too many of them though. My biggest concern is the others might get targeted."

Tiger:" Then we should send them back to UA." I shook my head no

"If we do that then we'll lose our only chance at tomura that isn't sheer dumb luck. We'll just have to be extra careful."


It'd been a couple of days since I'd talked with Tiger, and my class was deep into their quirk training lead by Aizawa-sensei and the WWP.

 I pretty much spent my time either watching 1-B's training learning their quirks, helping 1-A with pointers on their quirks or training, hanging out with Kota in his secret base, or deep in the forest working on my control of OFA without risking hurting the others.

I was able to control a good amount of OFA now but did not have full control yet. I was sitting in a clearing deep in the woods thinking. Most of my strength came from how creative I got with my quirk, OFA was a completely different thing. 

It boosted my own quirk and enhanced my already boosted base stats. My body just couldn't handle the strain of OFA at full strength. The only thing I could think of to train it was to go into WarGod mode and just keep doing it until I was close to my limit. Once I got close, deactivate it rest for 30 minutes and repeat. 

The idea was to force my body to grow used to OFA's full power without actually wrecking it. It was slow going but I feel my time in WarGod mode increasing. I didn't do it for long though, I couldn't risk overworking myself. I was still waiting for the traitor to make his move.

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