Trust Me - Arisu X Male! Reader (2/2)

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Summary: Y/N has trust issues, major anxiety, and blows everything out of proportion

Y/A: Your age

W/Y/L: Where you live

*Y/N's POV*

I slowly closed my locker with a sigh as I recalled my actions from yesterday. I remembered how worried Arisu looked when I tried to leave. He was worried about me and how I was feeling. But I ran from him.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my body hitting the cold hard lockers. I turned to see two boys both staring on me, one of them was Karube, but I didn't recognize the other. He had longish hair that looked like Arisu's and he was on the shorter side.

This new boy rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders roughly. "Hey! Are you okay? I'm sorry I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking." I freed myself from the boy's grip and rubbed my arm.

"It's fine. I'm fine. It's not that big a deal.." He laughed as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry and sorry again for bumping into you." "Like I said, it's fine. Don't worry about it." The boy flashed me a bright smile that could have blinded anyone who stared at it for too long.

"I'm Chota by the way." So this was Chota. "It's nice to meet you Chota. I'm Y/N." He suddenly snapped his fingers at me, "You're the Y/N? The one that Arisu wouldn't shut up about last night when we went out for dinner?! He's right about you being handsome."

I felt a blush slowly creep onto my face as my mind processed what Chota just said. 'He was talking about me?' My head was suddenly overflowing with ideas about what he could have been saying about me. Were they sweet things or were they about how I freaked and ran off without any reason?

"Yo Chota we have to get going!" Chota turned to Karube and motioned him to come closer to the two of us, "Karube come here! I found the Y/N that Arisu kept talking about last night." "That's nice Chota but we have to go! Arisu is waiting for us in the café!"

Chota looked back at me then at Karube again, "Hey Karube, can Y/N come with us? It would make Arisu really happy!" Karube sighed as he started to walk away, "Sure. He can come. Now hurry up before he thinks we ditched out and leaves!" "Come with us Y/N!"

*Time skip*

As I opened the door to the café, the smell of fresh baked food and the quiet chatter of the people came rushing at me. A wave of relaxation washed over me, I felt less tense and almost forgot why I was here.

Someone suddenly yelled my name, pulling me back into reality. I glanced over to where I heard the voice resonate from. There sitting at one of the tables was Arisu. Chota ran over to Arisu then motioned to me.

I shyly waved at them as I felt another blush make its way to my cheeks. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Karube flash me a smile and say, "Please don't run off this time. Arisu was upset and worried when you ran off all alone."

I lightly nodded as Karube walked me over to the table. As soon as we got to the table I was pulled into a warm hug by Arisu. I quickly hugged him back and started apologizing multiple times over again.

Arisu just hushed me softly as he patted my hair gently. "I'm really sorry I ran off so suddenly yesterday." "It's fine. I'm just glad that you're okay now. I was really worried about you all night." Karube placed a hand on Arisu's shoulder and chuckled, "Why don't we all sit down and order food?"

Arisu released me from the hug and offered me a seat next to him. I quietly sat down with Arisu on my right and was across from me. I felt myself starting to become anxious as the three boys started to converse among themselves. They were talking about some new video games and school for a couple of minutes before the conversation quickly shifted.

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