Connor's Story/ Finale

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Connor was peacefully sleeping in the survival simulator when he heard a knock on the viewing window. Lately he had been having really bad dreams that woke him up and gave him horrible cold sweats. His dream was always the same, he was fighting an evil monster when he suddenly forgot all his training and how to use his powers. It scared him so much he decided to go back into training. Currently he was working on survival skills." Hello, who is it, I'm training right now!" He heard what sounded like a microphone Turing on then a women's voice filled the room. "Hi, it's Summer, Dylan, and Jack, we were wondering if you'd like to come with us to the hospital, I have an appointment and we decided that it would be fun to make it a family trip." Connor got up and started packing up his sleeping bag." Why are you going to the hospital?" Replied Connor. He finished packing the rest of his stuff while Summer continued," well I have an ultrasound, cause I'm pregnant and I though it would be fun if everyone came to find out the gender of the baby." Connor opened the door and the rest of the team met him. As they were walking Connor fully processed what Summer had said. He stopped and began laughing." Wait you're pregnant? When did you find out?" Summer continued walking as she replied," Like a few days ago!" Connor regained his composure and walked silently as the picked up Cindy, Tucker and Marsha. They all continued walking down to the garage, found a minivan and after everyone was seated he spoke again," okay I have a question, will the baby have powers?" Summer leaned forward from the far back and answered," I don't know, it's possible, but that's why everyone's coming it started as just Marsha but then I suggested that everyone went and that's what's happening." Connor nodded and turned back around, he let the music lull him to sleep, the best sleep he'd had since he's arrived at area 52. He only woke up when the car stopped in the hospital parking lot. Everyone piled out and walked to the hospital. Once inside they all sat down except for Summer, who'd went to the front desk to sign in.Summer came back and sat by Dylan." It's going to be about a 25 minute wait." She said to the group. Connor took this time to listen to his music, he loved old classics like, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones and his personal favourite, Nirvana. He plugged in his headphones to his MP3 player, pressed play on his favourite song and closed his eyes. He was just finishing an Aerosmith song when Marsha nudged him," it's time." She said as she got up to join the others. Connor got up and put his MP3 player in his pocket. He decided to talk to his brother Jack for a while, the hospital was big and they had a long way to walk. " So little brother, how'd you sleep?" Jack turned toward him and replied," good, how about you, still having that bad dream?" Jack laughed as Connor walked ahead. He decided to tune into the sounds of the hospital to pass the time. Suddenly he was zoned out into a blur of Cindy chattering on to Summer about baby names, Marsha gushing to Jack about how excited she was to do her tests to find out if the baby has powers, and Tucker complaint that he was hungry. Soon they were at the maternity ward and we're all hustled into a small room with a bed and what looked like the ultrasound machine. Summer got on the bed and Dylan went beside her, the rest of them all stood by the doors. The nurse came in and looked a little concerned about the huge group but she just sat down and told Summer to lift her shirt. Connor watched with hidden excitement, he was excited to have another family member. The nurse rubbed some gel on Summers stomach and put the remote on her stomach. At first Connor thought it looked like a couple of blobs with hands but soon he saw what looked like a head and he thought he saw a second head but decided to keep quiet . The nurse looked closely and turned to everyone with a smile on her face." It's twins, one boy and one girl.

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