three, all valley

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the cobras stood outside the venue of the all valley waiting for their sensei who had yet to show up.

y/n had her hair up in a ponytail, dark sunglasses on as she was still a little hungover. "are you sure you can fight? you looked pretty fucked up." aisha laughed, turning to look at her friend.

"i'm good." y/n nodded, watching miguel punch the air. "yo, miguel, calm down, man. save some for the tournament." hawk spoke up.

miguel only glared at hawk, continuing to punch. "don't even bother. he's been super agro ever since the breakup."

"where's sensei? the tournament's gonna start soon."

"he'll be here." y/n assured. "i don't know about that." the three turned to look at bert, "what are you talking about?"

"i saw him last night at the mini-mall. i was buying a...carton of milk, when i heard him in the parking lot yelling."

bert told them the whole story. "bruh, why didn't you tell us this earlier?" y/n exclaimed.

"i don't know, i guess i'm just so used to seeing him drunk it didn't seem like that big a deal."

"well, we're here and he's not. so it's officially a big deal." hawk said angrily, "what if something happened to him?"

"like what?"

"i don't know, like he drove his car off a cliff, or bought a gun and blew his brains out." y/n rolled her eyes at hawk's theory. "no, sensei would never kill himself it's too pussy a move." aisha said.

"whatever. i mean we're here, we're gonna have to do it without him." hawk states.

"do what without me?" sensei lawrence walked up behind his students, grabbing their attention. "sensei!"

"we didn't think you were gonna show up."

"i may not always win, but i never back out of a fight." sensei nodded. "alright, let's sign up." miguel said, "not yet, there's one more lesson i have to teach you."

he began walking inside, all the kids following behind him. once they made it to the back everyone formed a circle around him. "i haven't taught you the third rule of cobra kai, "no mercy". the older you get the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. you wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls, takes a big steaming shit in your mouth."

y/n held back the vomit in her throat at the thought of what her sensei had just said. she couldn't hold it back for long though, she ran towards the bathroom, sensei looking at her for a split second before ignoring it and continuing his lesson.

"ugh." y/n groans, looking at herself in the big bathroom mirror. her eyes were a light shade of red with big, dark bags under them and her ponytail had somehow gone messy

she washes her hands and rinses her mouth out with water before putting her glasses back on and walking out, "woah there kid, you're not fighting." she stops and looks up, "what?"

"i know a hangover when i see one." sensei smirks, snatching her sunglasses away from her face. "i can still fight!" she defends.

"no, you're weak right now. you're not fighting."


"no more buts, you either go sit in the stands or come and stand aside." he hands her the black gi in his hands, "you can still wear this." she rolls her eyes, snatching the gi from his hands and going on to change.

–time skip to miguel vs robby–

the two finalists had come down to miguel diaz and robby keene. bert was the first cobra out, then aisha, and then hawk got disqualified, leaving miguel.

the two boys stepped up on the mat, the crowd clapping and cheering. "woo! go miguel!" y/n clapped, smiling as she realized her headache was finally gone.

"ready? and fight!" the fight started, miguel throwing kicks and robby blocking them. once robby did a front kick miguel went down, the cobras groaning.

robby got a point, and y/n watch as miguel hit the mat angrily. they got into fighting positions once again, "no mercy!" y/n and aisha called out at the same time, hawk cheering miguel on too.

they went again and this time miguel scored a point. "yeah!" the cobras cheered. after another point that miguel took, daniel larusso called a time out. miguel walked over to the cobra's, nodding at them in reassurance.

the fourth round had everyone surprised, "how about that? a two legged kick!" the announcer announced. "no way." y/n mumbled, she had done research on all forms of karate and had been trying to get that move herself, all she could think was 'how'd he manage to do it?'

y/n was brought back from her amazed state by the crowd who was booing, "that one warning for unsportsmanlike contact." the ref called.

before the last round both boys were pulled aside by their senseis and given one last pep talk. y/n looked at johnny as miguel walked back to the middle of the mat, he looked disappointed, but why?

"whoever wins the next point will be our new champion!"

"come on miguel! you got this!" y/n cheered. everyone watched in suspense as they began fighting, then y/n noticed it. robby's injury, and miguel was going to use it to his advantage.

miguel kicked his injured shoulder, sending him stumbling back, and then he kicked his stomach, knocking him down.

most of the crowd cheered, especially the cobras, when the ref went over and held miguel's hand in the air.

the cobras ran over, indulging miguel in a team hug. "who saw that coming, huh? i know i didn't. without further ado, let me present the trophy to this years new champion. miguel diaz and the cobra kai dojo!"

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