Lightened Life

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Light TW; small panic attack

People finally knew. Whether Karl liked it or not, everyone knew vaguely what had happened to him. But Karl didn't mind. He felt like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, and he had regained a motivation and want that had been gone for a while. 

The night after the stream Nick stayed with Karl in his room. At first, Nick had pulled up a blanket for himself on the light grey carpet, but Karl stopped him.

"Wait, Nick. Can you- can you sleep up here?" Karl asked timidly. Nick smiled softly and nodded, climbing into the bed. Karl giggled and climbed in as well, pressing himself comfortably against Nick who reached over and flicked off the nightstand light. The room was flooded with warm darkness and the two held each other. 

Time seemed to stop when Nick's breath tickled through Karls soft brown hair, his scruff lightly ticketing his ear. His heavy arms laid over the smaller boy's hips, and his large shoulders gently framed his own. It was just like the nightmare. But it was real, and never a nightmare. Nick really was there for Karl, to hold him all he could. 

Karl felt a peace in his heart. The air in his lungs was the same as the air around him. He had everything he needed, and he quickly fell into a content sleep. 


The morning light was what woke Karl. It highlighted a dent in the bed where Nick had laid, but no Nick. Karl turned over to shield his eyes from the blinding light and saw Nick facing the closet that sat in the wall. The light perfectly framed him, making him the center of the room as he tugged his shirt over his head.  Karl watched as Nick slid a new shirt over his head, messing up his soft hair. The light made all of his back muscles seem more defined as his armed moved. Nick turned as he dropped the shirt around his waist, and smirked when he saw Karl watching him.

"Enjoy the view?" He laughed, stepping over to where the embarrassed boy laid. Karl smiled, and Nick gently pressed their lips together, cupping his chin. Karl smiled against his mouth, and his eyes were filled with admiration when Nick pulled back. Karl sat up and took Nick's hand as he led him out of the room. Most of the group was already awake, George and Dream were leaning on each other in the barstools, and Bad and Skeppy were cooking breakfast peacefully together, laughing when they messed up. They all smiled when they saw the couple, and Karl walked over to where George and Dream were cuddling. 

"Morning!" Bad said, somewhat sleepily while he whisked some eggs. Nick yawned and walked over to the coffee machine, and asked where the items were before making himself a hot cup. Karl watched from the counter as the morning light illuminated his sleepy face and messy hair. He smiled and stood up from the chair before walking over behind where he stood. He wrapped his arms around the stronger boy's waist, pressing himself against his back. Nick smiled and brought his hand up to ruffle Karls hair.

"Okay, I see you lovebirds," George said, laughing at the couple. Karl blushed and pulled back, but Nick turned around and pulled him in close for a kiss. 

"You bet your ass you did," Nick said with a laugh. Karl's face blushed a deep red as he followed Nick to the couch, steaming coffee cup in hand. He sat on the blue couch, and Karl sat himself in his lap. Nick wrapped his arm around the smaller boy, careful not to spill the drink. Karl pressed his head against the stronger boy's chest, perfectly content.

"Hey, Karl?" He asked softly after a moment of silence. Karl looked up at him and tilted his head, encouraging him to continue.

"Do you want to go on like, a real date? With me?" He asked timidly, looking at Karl's glittering green eyes. His face lit up when he heard the question, and nodded with a wide smile. He was still partially unable to talk, which was disappointing to the both of them, but Nick was just happy to be there with Karl.

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