Chapter 11- Brave volunteers

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It hadn't taken us long after leaving Marley soil, to return home. Most of it I was fading in and out of consciousness. Levi stayed beside me for a good portion of the way, up until I was out of the danger zone. In a way I had to thank my Titan ability, it helped me heal faster. However poor Sasha, she would take ages. At one point there was a moment where she stopped breathing and I did thank the time I spent doing CPR in my old world. When the Scouts has found out I could do that, that begged me to teach them. And I did.
Luckily I managed to get her heart beating, and added some of my blood again to seal her weeping wounds, re-bandaged her blood soaked ones, and kept an eye on her pulse.
Connie and Jean, love em but they were useless when it came to doing the CPR. It was only because of it was their best friend, and they were so afraid they would lose her.
Levi I knew at that point had to leave me seeing their worried and terrified faces. It brought too much of his past to light again, and he relieved that pain again.
He had shared all the information about Isobel and Farlan with me just over two years ago fully.
Armin I knew would visit Annie, not that long after we landed, that's where he headed.
After eating Bertholdt, he had seen all of his memories. And he had fallen in love with her.
I questioned how much of that was Armin and how much was Bertholdt.

I on the other hand headed straight to Niccolo. He cooked the best food. He was one of the Marleians who had come over three years ago, on the scouting mission that they had sent over to Paradis- which we soon learned from Grisha Jaeger's diaries. He had grown to have a little crush over Sasha purely because of her reactions to his cooking.

Three years ago...

We had been waiting in the darkness, we had seen the ships.
But we weren't defenceless and unprepared. Not long after our return from Shiganshina, we had a meeting, which then resulted in our conversation on what to do.
With Hange in charge, machines had been created to eliminate all of the Titans roaming outside of that Walls.
It didn't take too long, and our visit to the ocean showed that.
That was when we struck.
The boat that was nearest was destroyed- and it's occupants came swimming to the shore- met with the new weapons we had made, and our swords.
There was very much hostility and distrust on both sides. But we learned that we weren't the only ones that had been threatened, and the world was much larger than we had ever anticipated.
It almost sent Hange into a fit of intrigue. And them almost got over excited.
I didn't blame them after the Titans were all eliminated and they became Commander they didn't have much fun, or their type of fun anyway.
As usual Levi was the only clear head in the room. I mainly stood near the back, ready incase the newcomers tried anything.
I had been learning more about my Titan form, and on occasions Hange joined me. We had been experimenting a lot. It wore me out and I spent a many night slumping onto the bed in the cabin I had now outside of the walls.
Occasionally Levi would stop by, but his duties as a Captain kept him from being with me too often much to our distain.
Eren and the two that followed him, mainly also kept to themselves and I could see him beginning to fall into a pit of despair and depression that I tried to shake him out of. It was a big sister prerogative after all.

They would spend time at the artillery range we had erected, sometimes I joined them. Taking our frustrations out on the targets with the guns, not only the ones the newcomers had brought but our own make. They brought us new technology and as much as the distrust that lingered even for a small amount of time, trust was beginning to form.
Both sides realised we were more alike than we cared to admit.

Back to the present....
I limped my way to the mass graves. I was determined to go and lay flowers for those we had lost but also for the innocents we had just killed.
Guilt racked my body over those.
Arms circled around my waist, slightly making me jump. And a head rested on my shoulder.
"You alright there?" Levi asked, because he would be the only one I even let take me in his arms like this.
"I feel sorry for the families." I just said. "Innocent lives were just lost."
"Yes, But we lost innocents too." He replied.
We stayed that way for a small amount of time.
"Levi." I said quietly. "Is it all worth it?"
"What do you mean?" His arms tightened around me.
"Was all that death worth it to show our hand?"
I felt his lips kiss my shoulder. He rarely showed affection but in the times he did was always minimal and emotive.
"They tipped their hands years ago, we have finally fought back in a way they weren't expecting. This time we struck first." His words had meaning. I knew that but the guilt was eating at my heart.

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