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Karlie's POV

After Taylor falls asleep I'm almost certain she'll be out until we get into Pittsburg, which also means I'll be driving this 6 hours without conversation. That doesn't really bother me, as I love just listening to music and focusing on the road. The drive is also pretty scenic with rolling hills and occasional mountains.

The sun beats into the car, so I put my sunglasses on. Taylor fell asleep with my hand still in here, and I can't bear to remove it. She looks so peaceful and soft, and I love the feeling of having her hand in mine. I know Taylor doesn't feel the same way about me, but I can't help but have a small crush on the singer.

When we first met Taylor was in a small dress with her hair and makeup all done, for a cocktail party before she performed at the fashion show the next day. She looked to innocent and sweet, and when I approached her, her mannerisms clearly mocked that. She was so gentle and kind, the type of person who really sees others feelings and reads others well. I think that's part of the reason she is such a good songwriter. She can articulate things in ways a normal person would never be able to think of.

The first thing I noticed about her was her bright blue eyes, and how her gorgeous curls fell into them so that she would have to push it behind her ear sometimes. As we got closer I notice her sometimes a little annoyed by her hair, but I can't help but love every bit of how it falls over her shoulders.

I hate that I feel this way, because I know Taylor would never feel the same. She has dated all these famous men who are handsome and rich, and I am none of those things, but overall, I am not a man.

A car switching lanes in front of me brings my attention back to the road from my daydreamish state. Taylor hand still wrapped around mine, and I have a soft smile on my face as I look at the road. I can hear Taylor's short breaths and see her chest moving up and down. Her head is against the car window, but her arm is wrapped around her own stomach so that it can hold mine.

Although we're both tall, her hands are so much smaller then mine, and I feel huge being next to her. She always seems so fragile when I go to hug her, I'm afraid she might snap. I know she's a strong girl, but I can't help but view her as this small thing I need to protect. From physical danger as well as mental.

I finally remove my hand from hers so that I can have two hands on the steering wheel, for safely. As much as I would love to hold her for the entire drive, I also would like to get us to our final destination safely.

Taylor re adjusts herself when I remove my hand and I'm afraid for a moment that I woke her up, but when she settles back into the seat and her short breaths return, I realize she is asleep again.

I keep my eyes on the road as Taylor sleeps soundly next to me, but my mind is on the sweet girl a few inches from my body.

I really can't wait for this trip.


What do y'all think of split povs? Do you like dif chapters as different characters or the whole book as just one??

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