baby girl u got me rollin

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"Well, he was my binary brother

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"Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A" Demetri says blankly, with a sharp tone

"Alright that's enough Demetri." Hawk says while his voice drops.

Demetri chuckles. "Don't let big angry red hair do fool you. He's a big softie! We watched every Harry Potter movie together, he cried like a baby when Dobby died!" Demetri says in a mocking tone, and everyone erupts in laughter.

"Alright if he doesn't shut up, I'm gonna shut him up." Hawk says to Assface, and I move behind him to hear more closely.

"I've got one more thing! Have any of you heard of..sleep enuresis?" Demetri ask, and people look at him side ways.

Hawks expression softens slightly. "Don't." He says,

"That is the medical term of course, in the king English, it's good ol' fashion bed wettin'! And Eli here, is a pro, my mom even had a special air mattress for sleep overs. She called it 'Eli's Waterbed'"

"Screw mercy.." I hear Hawk whisper to Assface, handing him his drink.

"YOU'RE A CORPSE." He declares fiercely as I feel my breath hitch in my throat.

"You gone have to go through me." Chris...I think his name is, chimes in.

"Stay out of it, traitor." Assface demands. The feud..

"Hey! Don't touch him." Robby chimes in, with Larusso, and...wait where's Miguel, and Tory? Regardless, neither are here to assist either side.

"Or what? Aisha and I say at the same time approaching the situation.

"Guys! Stop! We're all friends!" Moon chimes in, which only makes Hawk get angrier.

"Oohhh I smell a rumble!" Says Stingray

A flash of blue shines throughout the house.

Everyone scatters, trying to get out and find their ride.

Suddenly I realize my ride here was just fuming with anger seconds ago, but before that thought can be processed through my head a strong arm is wrapped around my neck and moving me toward the door.
It moves to outside, quickly, and too the Jeep.

"Hawk what are you doing? What about Aisha? And Tory! What about-"

"Sh!" He interrupts me while placing a finger on my lips, he carefully opens the Jeep door, and picks me up and gently sets me inside. Then he tiptoes around, and does the same. I don't think he realizes I'm mostly sober..

He starts up the Jeep, but keeps the headlights turned off, and uses random clothes to block out the lights from the dash board. He reversed, and creeps off into the opposite direction of Moons house, before picking up speed flying down the highway. His jaw stays tense, one hand on the wheel, eyes on the road.

•verbatim• hawk CK ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now