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Several hours had passed since both of the representatives from rival families formed the temporary alliance, yet the day was far from over. They noticed a drastic decrease of participants, and the increase of the number of -if not totally lifeless- limping bodies scattered around the landscape as they both came to an agreement.

The third and final event of the Grand Bout was formally called The Royale, but was actually more akin to a game of generals or a flag hunt. Those who have passed the last two rounds are then subjected to another shinsu-generated dome done by another High Ranker who is affiliated to a technique connected to creating life. Unlike the array where the wounds inflicted by oneʼs illusions are purely fictional and only affect the soul at worst, this time, the pain is real and death was more than permitted.

The Royaleʼs stage was designed to resemble what the battlefield of those who reside outside looks like. Similar to the place where Bamʼs cave was located, godforsaken. The landscape was uneven, deathly debris hung from degraded skyscrapers, and ruins of what seemed like fallen cities adorned the dome. To make the reference more realistic, the metallic stench of blood and dust can be discerned- mimicking the perfect aftermath of a warzone.

"Hey, heads up!"

Ines stopped in his tracks and swiveled to the peak behind him where the Agnis boy stood, his demeanor remained as domineering as ever. Inesʼ sight locked on brine-colored fabric the former threw towards him, which he caught without much difficulty. Once he got a closer look, he was bewildered to see the actual traces of intricate silver linings embroidered on it, denoting the pattern of the Khun Family symbol.

"Our final stop would be that abandoned bootcamp on the northeast. I believe there was something there waiting for me."

"How the hell?" The young Madeleine couldnʼt help but curse out loud. Usually it would be difficult for anyone to acquire an unoccupied insignia this late in the game, yet here Khun was, about to acquire a second one like it wasnʼt worth the effort.

Unlike the previous events, the Royaleʼs objective is quite simple, but the most dangerous. There are only five bandannas to be conquered by the few hundred participants, and as long as the siren does not ring (signifying that all five of them have been retrieved), anyone can take them away from their previous occupants by all means necessary. There are no rules and limitations as to what the players are allowed to do. They can team up or go solo, amputate, incapacitate, and even kill if they wish to do so, but in the end, only five of them will emerge as victors.

"They barely gave me a run for my money," Khun answered and shrugged his shoulders as he gave the former a deadpanned stare, seemingly bearing right through his soul. "Whatʼs the use of prolonging their demise when their weakness bores me?"

The youth with yale blue hair was rendered shut and as always, had no choice but to follow behind Khun as they make their way towards the final bandanna. Strangely, for something as urgent as acquiring the family crest, the area was deserted, tranquil, and too self-indulgent. It was unsettling.

"Madeleine, whatʼs the hold up?" Khun yelled, his back faced the aforementioned once they both had crossed over the scattered residues of barbed wires, confirming that it was indeed some kind of a training ground. Khun had also been noticing something off with Inesʼ pacing for the past hours, but of course, he couldnʼt ruin the fun right?

✔ blue-coloured beginnings 「 khunbam 」Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang