The Red Snake Motel - Boshiya X Male! Reader

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Summary: Y/N is on the run and ends up at a sex motel. There he meets Boshiya and maybe falls for him.

*Y/N's POV*

This place was disgusting, but at least it was far away from him. I had finally worked up the courage to run away from my abusive ex a couple of months back

Ever since that day, I've been running. Never stopping in fear that he would show up and drag me back down with him.

I couldn't go back to living like that. It was too painful. I didn't want to go back. God only knows how I ended up at this motel.

I don't even remember seeing this place on the map at all. But hey, a place to stay is better than nothing. I walked into the front office, no one was at the counter.

There was a bell on the counter on the counter and a closed book. I rang the bell and waited silently. Soon enough an older woman came out from the back room, she greeted me with a smile.

"Welcome to the Red Snake Motel," she said in a sweet voice. "How may I help you tonight sir?"

"You wouldn't happen to have any rooms available at the moment would you?" The woman glanced behind her at the shelves, where I take it the keys to each room usually are.

She then bent down and looked under her desk. "Ah ha!" She shouted as she stood back up.

"You're in luck, my good sir. I have one room left. It's the most special one in the entire complex.

You should consider yourself a lucky man." I smiled awkwardly as she handed me the key. "Thank you miss. You have a good rest of the night."

She smiled and winked at me, "You too dear." I exited the front office and walked over to the room number that was printed on the key. "Room 14," I said out loud as I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Welcome." A new voice filled my ears. Laying on the bed was a man. He had long black hair and dark brown eyes.

He looked to be a bit older than me. "Who the hell are you?" The man chuckled as he got up from his spot on the bed and walked over to me.

"I'm the one who's going to fuck you till you can't go anymore." The man placed one of his hands on my waist and the other on my cheek.

Without even thinking I jumped back away from the boy and yelled at him. "Get the hell away from me!"

I soon realized what just happened and how I reacted, I glanced at the guy and all I saw was him.

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes and soon spill over. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Please stop crying. I didn't mean to upset you."

The guy's whole demeanor suddenly changed. He rushed to my side and tried to comfort me. This random guy engulfed me in a warm hug.

I had never been hugged like this before. I liked it. I hadn't noticed that I started to cry harder.

The guy helped me off the ground and walked me over to the bed. We both sat down. The guy just let me cry into his shoulder.

As I cried I could feel him gently stroking my hair. It felt nice. I felt safe.

After a bit the tears finally subsided. I looked up at this guy. Up close he looked like a fucking god.

His looked soft to the touch and his eyes, god, I felt like I could lose myself in them if I stared into them for too long.

"Are you okay now?" The guy's voice broke my train of though. "Y-yeah. I'm okay."

I slowly pulled myself away from the guy's grip and sat up on my own. His eyes shifted from me to the floor. "Look, I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean to come on so strongly. I didn't know you would react the way you did." "Please don't apologize. It's not you fault."

The guy placed his hand on mine and massaged it with his fingers. "The name is Boshiya." He said with a smile. "I'm Y/N." Boshiya laughed a little bit. "That's a cute name, Y/N."

"Thank you. I like your name too." Boshiya scooted a bit closer to me. "So, what brings you to the Red Snake? It's obvious that it isn't sex or any kind of affair." I heavily sighed, "I'm on the run."

Boshiya's eyes were suddenly clouded with concern. "From what? The police? I have a friend who can get you out of any kind of trouble with them."

I shook my head no. "Abusive ex boyfriend." "Damn. That's pretty rough." I chuckled at his statement, "Rough doesn't begin to explain it. What about you?"

He shrugged, "Don't know. I just work here. I came a couple of months back, but I don't really think I had a reason as to why.

The manager liked me, told me that I had a handsome face and that she wanted to hire me as quote and quote special staff."

"So you're a..." I was trying to search for the right name for it. "I guess you could call me a sex worker. Not sure. It's alright I guess.

But hey, the money is good and the manager is about the only person who cares for me."

"That's not true," I cut in. Boshiya stared at me with a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean it's not true?" I could feel a small blush make its way to my face. "I care about you." Boshiya just laughed, "Oh? You do now? Didn't we just meet?"

"I know we just met, but you seem like a really kind person. You're the first person that I've let touch me since I ran out on my ex."

Boshiya smiled softly, "Well, I'm honored. You seem like a sensible young man.

Really a shame that you live your life like this." "Yeah.." I trailed off.

Neither of us spoke then, I had no idea what else to say and I could tell he didn't know either.

We both looked at each other. I came to realize how close to me Boshiya was. His face was only inches away from my own.

Our hands were still entangled with each other. Before I knew it, I leaned in and placed my lips on Boshiya's.

Without even a second going by, he kissed me back. He placed his other hand in my hair and started to play with it as we kissed.

When we broke for air I told him, "Come with me. Run away with me." He frowned, "I can't.

I want to but I can't." "Why Boshiya? You and I can start over. Together. You don't have to do this to yourself anymore."

He sighed, "I've built a life for myself here. I can't just leave it all behind." I grabbed Boshiya by his shoulders and yelled, "But it isn't a good life! It's a life full of regret and self hatred! Please just come with me."

I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Please Boshiya. Just come with me. I just want to keep you safe."

He sighed as a sad smile graced his lips. "I want to keep you safe too," He said quietly as he pulled me into another kiss.


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