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The next morning, I woke up to the familiar sound of Elena's alarm clock ringing from her room, bright and early, at six a.m. sharp. I groaned, and buried my face in my pillow, tugging my covers up further, desperate for another second to sleep. I hadn't slept all night. Every single time that I shut my eyes, all I could see was myself in the gym, with Dana and Chad's dead bodies at my feet.

I was living a nightmare.

"Morning," I heard Elena's oddly chirpy voice, as she entered my room. Last night, was awful, but thankfully she made it out fine, along with Tyler, who was now, Klaus's very first successful hybrid. He'd given Tyler some of Elena's blood he took while I was dead, and that was it ; that was what he needed to successfully create his hybrids.

Ugh, I thought, Klaus.

He was the last person I needed to - wanted to - think about. Last night, Damon had come and found Elena and I, and gotten us home safe, but not before mentioning Mikael - again some mysterious person that apparently the original vampires wanted nothing to do with - making Klaus skip town.

And as curious as I was about who Mikael was, I didn't want to think about, because I would just inevitably think of Klaus and I - and that was too depressing. Although, in my current state, I didn't know how I could possibly get any more upset.

When I'd told Damon that I loved him, and we had that fight, I was able to get through it on my own. I didn't want to let my whole world stop because of a guy, but now...after what happened with Klaus, I just wanted to sit and sleep, mope and cry until years went on and maybe then, I got over it.

"Come on," Elena said, pulling at my covers. "first day of senior year."

"Don't remind me." I muttered, already dreading the day.

I had an entirely different idea of what the start of senior year would be like. I had been excited to be a senior, and now I couldn't wait for the day to come to an end. The idea of going to class, and being around so many people, about talking of the future, college applications - I didn't want to deal with any of it.

Besides, I'd just taken senior year away from two of my classmates.

I felt my mattress dip, Elena sitting down beside me. "Hey," She gently pulled the covers away from my face, to look at me. "I know that last night was.."

"Awful." I finished for her, and she nodded.

"Yeah, it was." She admitted, before a small smile tugged at the curve of her lips. "But, we can't let what happened last night ruin's senior year."

"Elena," I said, sitting up. "two of our classmates are dead, because of me."

She looked away, nodding her head as she let out a heavy sigh. "I know," She said, looking back over at me. "but they were dead the second Klaus saw wasn't your fault."

They were dead the second Klaus saw them, I repeated in my thoughts. So was I. Elena and I hadn't gotten to talk about Klaus, about him turning me, and I think she could sense that it wasn't something I really wanted to talk about ; so she didn't hover, and press for answers, thankfully.

"Now, come on." She stood up, noticeably wanting to change the somewhat uncomfortable subject. "I may forgive you for missing the first day, but Caroline definitely won't." The comment made me laugh, before I pushed off my covers and got up out of bed.


I took a deep breath, standing outside of the entrance to the high school that morning, with Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. We all just stood there and stared for a moment, as everyone around us was piling in, going on about new gossip from over the summer.

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