Hugs by the pool

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Pulling away I wiped my tears away with my sleeve. Turing I see a handful of phones up. Wilbur, Phil, Dream, and River all smirking as the all brought their phones down. Feeling a buzz from my purse I see River had sent me a picture of me just as Tubbo lifted me. Smiling I thought it was good enough to post but not now.

"Why how?" I asked.

"Thank River for getting you here." Tubbo smiled as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder.

"How the hell did you manage this?" I said turning to River.

"I'm magic!" He smiled. Hugging the rest of them we slowly loaded into 2 different ubers.  In total there was Wilbur, Tommy, Phil, Techno, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap, George, and Nikki. Now how did they all plan this I will never clearly understand but all that mattered was I was with my closest friends and the people I've grown to admire. Once arriving back home we unloaded everyone's things and made our way inside. There we smelt pancakes and when we wondered into the kitchen we see that Aster has been busy making pancakes.

"Did you two knew!" I shouted realizing that they must have to make this many.

"What no? We were just really hungry." Elliot explained.

"Ignore him! Yes we did." Aster smiled.

"Hell yeah!" Sapnap shouted as he dropped all of his things to go eat. All of the rest following him. While eating Niki thought it would be a cute idea to geta picture all of us eating breakfast together to post. Using my sleeve to cover my face Elliot was about to take the picture when Tubbo turned to me. Smiling I looked at him and smiled back. After he took the picture he airdroped it to all of our phones.

Looking at it I see Dream had his head turned away from the camera and his hood pulled up so that you couldn't see his face. George was was laughing at Dream for trying to act cool while Sapnap was being the normal one. I know weird. Tommy and Wilbur were side eyeing Techno who's head was turned so you could only see his side profile, his expression looking dead. Phil who was sitting across from Techno was laughing at the 3 idiots as Niki joined in the laughing.

Getting to the end I see River and Atlas not really looked has stuffed all of their food in their mouths and just staring at one another. And looking at Tubbo he was had a dopey grin on him as he looked down at me.
Just before we began posting the picture Tommy asked to get everyone making a pog face so all of us agreed. Taking a paper plate I drew a really simple pog face and gave it to Dream. Techno just not caring did it. As for me Tubbo and I faced one another and Pogged. I used my arm to block my face but once the picture was over we both smiled. Looking down at my phone once more I thought to post the airport picture first.

 Looking down at my phone once more I thought to post the airport picture first

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Smiling as I began seeing people start spamming and asking questions. One by one I saw people tagging me in photos. Finishing breakfast we all disappeared to their rooms. Roaming around the house i started looking into everyone's room and Saw Tubbo and Tommy shared a room. It had a set of twin beds and a Tv hung on the wall. The closest was built in the wall and they had a set of draws under the Tv. It was an average room nothing really special. Walking in I see Tubbo had set up a camera and a laptop.

The Sketch of a Bee {Tubbo x reader}Where stories live. Discover now