Chapter 14-Deceiver? Or ally?

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Leaving that cell was the best thing I had ever done.
Hitting my brother like that-again I must have really needed to get that off my chest.
If he didn't tell me what the hell was going on I would eat him.
I had changed. And I shivered in the night air.
I needed to go somewhere. Anywhere.
Where it all began, that's where I would go.
I rode hard, flying like the wind through the trees. The horse beneath me pounded and sped like a bullet, it would be well rewarded.
Pale sunlight was beginning to peak over the sea when I arrived in Shiganshina. I was exhausted but I wanted to watch the sun rise from the wall. I wanted to watch the world come alive.
Stopping at a stable near the wall, I quickly unsaddled my horse, rubbed it down, fetched water and oats and allowed it to rest.
Shiganshina was in the process of being rebuilt, but it wouldn't be long before it too would be stopped.
Eren was a beacon of hope for people and some saw him as a leader, many thought right now he was a deceiver, against what we were striving for.
I didn't know which side I was even on anymore.
I zipped up, the lines of my ODM gear whooshing me right to the top of the wall. Landing slightly unsteadily, I crouched catching my breath. Then I slowly walked to the wall, and sat on the edge as the sky burst with golds, reds, pinks and blues and the sun yielded a new day.
I stayed that way for a while. Just watching the sun, then feeling nothing in my feet, I crawled to a cannon and used it to pull myself up. I leaned against it for some time before feeling came back. Then I zipped off the wall.
This time, saddling the horse, it sniffed at my neck as if thanking me. I rubbed its neck affectionately. This horse and I had been through a lot, this past year or so. It was the gelding of my first horse, the one I had ridden when I first became a scout, and like it's forefather, bared me well.
"It's been so long huh boy?" I whispered. It nickered in response. I laughed softly. "You didn't have to agree so quickly." I gave it one more pat.
"Just one more journey for today- fancy taking a trip to see your handler?" I asked. It neighed happily. "I thought so." I leapt on and we were off to the Braus stables.
I wanted to check in with Sasha's family.
We reached there just before midday. One of the stable boys- an orphan that I had helped secure this job came to greet me, a smile that beamed sunlight.
"Miss Drake!" He called. "Your here!"
I jumped off lithely and gave him a hug. "Hey There squirt!"
He pushed me off him playfully. "I'm not so much a squirt now."
I just laughed and ruffled his hair. "That's for sure."
"What are you doing here Miss Drake?" He asked.
"Come to see Mr and Mrs Braus, they inside?" I asked pointing a thumb towards the main house.
"Sure are! I'll take Lucky to the stable for you."
"Thanks squirt." I waved as he took my horse into the stable. Chuckling softly I walked into the house.
Where I was greeted by a sudden gut crushing hug.
A flash of blond hair.
"Hey sweetie ease up will ya." I said garbled.
"Miss Drake!" Kaya- the young girl Sasha has saved all those years ago from Connie father, she had grown up so well. She still seemed sad though.
"How are you?" I asked. She just shrugged, her mouth in a downward smile. I just nodded.
"And what do I always tell you?" I said raising an eyebrow and placing my hands on my hips.
"The ones we love, never truly leave us." She recited put a hand on her heart.
"That's right." I ruffled her hair, "remember that when things seem very sad."
She nodded.
The next bone crushing hug almost drove a rib into my lung.
"Thank you!" Mr Braus said. And I saw Mrs Braus with tears in her eyes.
"Please, a, cant breathe..." I said garbled.
"Dear let go." Mrs Braus said. And Mr Braus let go and I gasped in heaving and deep lung fulls of air.
"Sorry, we just dunno how we cannae thank you." He said, sunken and dark eyes met mine. "You saved our girl."
"She's one of my comrades, my friend, I would die trying to save her." I replied.
I heard a gasp from the doorway.
I turned and there was two of the last people I ever thought I would see there.
"Ben, Mia, come on in. This is amiss Drake." Mrs Braus said a huge but small smile on her lips.
"Nice to meet you both, Ben and Mia." I said, I could see the fear in 'Mia's' and 'Ben's' eyes. But there was also worry and surprise too. I could see 'Mia's' hand clenching and unclenching, her eyes darting quickly between me and around the room, clearly looking for a weapon.
"Their our new stable hands." Mr Braus said. "They're really hard workers."
"I am sure they are for ones so young." I replied smiling. "Are they the ones looking after my Lucky?"
"The very same." Mr Braus said a small smile. "How is Lucky?"
"In the stables resting, I was hoping he could rest a little while before I return. He's had a hard riding last night."
"He's always welcome here, as are you." Mrs Braus replied, a small smile twitching her lips. "And that handsome man of yours."
I laughed. "Handsome, you do mean moody right?"
She chuckled alongside me.
I could see out of the corner of my eye the two kids glance at one another. Disbelief was radiating off them.
"How about I take you two to meet Lucky?" I asked them, they snapped to attention, 'Ben' grabbing 'Mia's' arm forcefully. "Especially if your going to be the ones looking after him." I added. They nodded and followed.

In the stable I left my back to them.
"Well, you two are the last two I would have expected to see out here."
"I didn't know you were here if that's what your asking, Falco, Gabi."
"Filthy devils!" Gabi screamed.
"Keep it down will you. You'll scare the horses." I replied turning to face them.
"But, aren't you going to?" Falco said, his eyes wide.
"Do what? Take you back by force?" I said leaning against the door of Lucky's pen. "Now why would I do a thing like that?"
"Your one of the devils on this island." Gabi said, she was panting and sweat dripping from her forehead her eyes were wide and oozed crazy. Again they darted.
"Killing me won't stop them from finding you...eventually." I said with dramatic effect. "Kill people here and you'll be found quicker. Us 'devils' most of us no longer remember why we are hated by the rest of the world. That died out long ago, most of us just want to live our lives. Myself included." I pushed off from the pen.
"You met Kaya right?" I asked and they nodded. "Has she told you the story of how she came here?" They shook their heads.
"Let's go get her and let her tell you."
I walked past them and felt Gabi grab my arm. I just looked down. "I suggest you let go Gabi. It wasn't that long ago that you shot me, do you think I won't hesitate to eat you?"
She soon let go.
"Kaya?!" I called outside, she popped her head out. "Fancy a trip home?" I asked.
She nodded.
I walked at the back as Kaya told Ben and Mia the story of how she had been orphaned. Minus the details I knew of course.
Walking into that village, overgrown and retaken by nature was a huge case of de ja vu.
It was like walking into Shiganshina again.

When the trio reappeared after some time, I stood from the little windmill I had crashed under.
The sun that I had greeted this morning was setting in darker hues of orange,gold and crimson.
"We've been invited to eat with a Marleyan." Kaya said. "Maybe we could get you a way to get home." I knew Kaya was smart. They just glanced at me.
I held up hands. "I will plead ignorance."
They just looked at me. I could see the cogs in their heads going around.
I was a deceiver wasn't I? Or was I turning out to be an ally after all?

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