Party server

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In which a bratty dominique who wont let his 18th birthday go anyway but perfect meets someone who made it a whole lot better

Lil baby x da baby


My mom was the one who insisted we had a lame as birthday Party since she missed me or what ever, I wasnt a fucking child so if i was going to have one we was gon do it my way. I'd been planning today for a whole month so if one thing went wrong today was finna be over on God.

  My mom sighed looking at the list of invited people i wrote down "sweetie are you sure you want this many people. I mean we can just do a small family party" she said

I rolled my eyes "i already told them they could come and its to late for all that. You did order a cater right" i asked

She nodded " yeah.. You know i could have just cooked" she said

I looked up from my phone " you can't cook for that many people and they don't all like your food" I said walking away

My phone started to ring as i quickly picked it up " durk your still coming right" I asked

Durk laughed " yeah man dont worry. Von can come too right" he asked

I sighed but nodded " sure but whos that" i asked

Durk smiled " my new bae. Which remindes me, you need one to" he said

I rolled my eyes " i dont want any of the immuture guys around here. I need someone whos muture enough to handle me" i said

Durk laughed " you always been the youngest in the group and now that your eighteen i can see you going for a sugar daddy" he said

I smiled laughing " no a old man.. Just like twenty mabye" i said

Durk fake gagged " sugar daddy!" He said laughing

I sat down on my bed shaking my head " were not the same bro. Your nineteen and will still kill for a immuture senior" i said

Durk smiled closing what im guessing was his car door " its not that he's a senior hes just fine as fuck" he said

I smiled hearing someone knocking on the door i decided to let my mom get it " dont come to me when he can't get you to cum" i said

Durk paused for a second before laughing " you know what. Watch what you saying before I throw your present out the window. Im on my way by the way" he said

I nodded " okay, I gotta go i think one of the workers are here" i said hanging up

I stood up walking out of my room and down the stairs. I stopped about halfway getting sight of one of the servers carrying in food. He was darksin and short but had a strong build. His hat was backwards He had earings in and a pair of grills. I snapped out of my trance and walked back up the stairs getting my phone calling durk again.

  Durk picked up after the second ring " i told you i was almost there what you want now" he asked

I smiled " nah. Theres this fine ass caterer downstairs "i said

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